Quote Of The Day

Filed in Delaware by on December 8, 2010

Christine O’Donnell:

“Tragedy comes in threes. Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards’ passing and Barack Obama’s announcement of extending the tax cuts, which is good, but also extending the unemployment benefits.”

I’m trying to ignore her, but… C’mon!


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. a.price says:

    letting people pay their bills at christmas time is a tragedy?

    i wonder what ol’ sister chrissy is doing for work these days.

  2. delacrat says:

    Allow this person their well-earned obscurity and let us speak no more of them.

  3. Anvil says:

    COD: The gift that keeps on giving.

  4. PBaumbach says:

    how many elections has she lost in DE? three, isn’t it?

  5. MJ says:

    SHe’s the female Protack. Now wait to see how she spends her leftover campaign funds on her new PAC. How much you want to bet her rented townhouse is the HQ for her PAC?

  6. Newshound says:

    That’s one of the most absurd quotes I’ve ever read! Tom Ross got it all wrong; she’s not only unqualified to run as a ‘dog catcher,’ she’s unqualified to clean up the poop in the dog catchers’ truck.

    The irony of ironies is that COD can’t even qualify for UI because she’s never worked long enough year-to-year to be eligible.

  7. anon says:

    i wonder what ol’ sister chrissy is doing for work these days.

    She’s found another expense account.

  8. mediawatch says:

    Good heavens. Pearl Harbor was 59 years ago. If she can only find three things gone wrong (and by her reckoning, it’s only two and a half) in 59 years, why the hell is she complaining all the time.

    Chances are she’d feel differently about unemployment benefits if she’d ever hold a job long enough to qualify for them.

  9. Geezer says:

    “Allow this person their well-earned obscurity and let us speak no more of them.”

    In politics, money is power. She is not going into obscurity. Besides, she’s never earned anything in her life.

    Here’s something I posted at DP earlier today:

    The evidence that Christine O’Donnell was a weak candidate can be found in the numbers. In 2008, with little money or backing, she got 140,595 votes, or 35.3%, against Joe Biden in an overwhelmingly Democrat-tilting election. In 2010, in a Republican-leaning year, she spent more than $5 million to capture 123,053 votes, or 40.0%, against a much weaker candidate. Of course, turnout is lower in non-presidential election years, but that’s still a drop-off of more than 17,000 votes. I doubt most people would consider that a good return on a $5 million investment.

  10. Jason330 says:

    So a fairly stable number of Delawareans like gibberish, provided the speaker has an “R” after their name on the ballot.

    With that base, and her wider teabag support, it is a sure bet that she will be the Republican challenger to Tom Carper.

  11. Jason330 says:

    The quote is on the kos front page. Be proud Delaware Republicans. You earned it.

  12. Dirty Girl says:

    Here is the bottom line about O’Donnell:

    she is like a case of Herpes –

    it won’t kill you

    but it will never go away

    it lives in your nerves

    occassionally comes up and to a head and is irritating but with a little medicine and time it will eventually go away altho there is no cure…..

    trouble is – like herpes – IT SPREADS

    and one should give warning if you are so infected, either with herpes or CODfishism….