The Flipside Of The Tax Cut Fiasco

Filed in National by on December 8, 2010

No matter how you feel about the deal on tax cuts, I think everyone can agree that holding the middle class hostage for the rich. I just want to point out some of the upside of what happened:

    • Congressional Democrats are finally speaking passionately about economic issues – stimulus, unemployment and taxes.
    • The media is finally covering what Democrats are saying, and more importantly, what progressives are saying.
    • In my opinion, Obama’s press conference was the first time that the full import of Republican obstructionism was explained in a way that the American people can understand. Plus it was covered by the media.
    • The mask of Republican hypocrisy on the deficit has finally been ripped away in public. All news story lead with the cost of the deal to the deficit and Republicans shrugging it away.
  • Remember, this is not a done deal yet, not even close. Right now progressives do hold some leverage and we already know Republicans are willing to pay to get what they want (this is perhaps the GOP’s only idea with the exception of repeal hcr). Will this lead to an active progressive movement? I guess time will tell but I hope that the left has learned that change takes hard work and doesn’t lie with just having the presidency or Congress.

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    Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

    Comments (24)

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    1. Jason330 says:

      All of that is true but it also does not matter as long as Obama thinks the best of Republicans and the worst of Democrats.

      Obama hates you UI, and he thinks your politics are ludicrous.

    2. socialistic ben says:

      that’s not true jason. Obama is pandering to the most BS special interest of all. the media.
      The media tells americans that liberals are a necessary evil, but still evil. If you love america, you shouldnt associate with liberals. Liberals got us into the mess we are in, because many good, moral chri$tians are conservatives. He thinks in order to sell his ideas to the dopes in the center… who think they are conservative…. he has to badmouth liberals.
      Remember, the media (not just the GOP network) has painted him as a liberal progressive socialist. they have also painted liberal progressive socialist as a bad thing. He cant be one until that image has changed, and he cant be the one who changes the image.

      he should have fought that tide earlier…. but that was back when we all thought republicans would act like humans and not like dried up goose crap.

    3. pandora says:

      Steve Benen wants to know Plan B

      What’s Plan B?

      I don’t mean this to sound snarky and this isn’t a rhetorical question; I’m genuinely interested in understanding the back-up strategy. When I posed this question yesterday to some Capitol Hill aides I know, they said they’d recommit to fighting even harder for the original Obama tax plan — permanent breaks for those under $250k, Clinton-era top rates for those above $250k. If/when this week’s compromise goes down, Republicans, they said, would likely cave and accept the Democratic approach. They’d be out of options — it’d be a choice between the Dem plan and higher taxes for everyone. Dems would regain the leverage they lost before the midterms.

      And that could work. The plan came seven votes shy of 60 the other day, but when push comes to shove, maybe those seven additional votes would come together, and Dems would win this fight over taxes.

      But what then? How would extended unemployment benefits pass for the millions of jobless Americans who need them? What happens to the economic stimulus? What’s the strategy for getting quick approval for an expanded earned-income tax credit and the continuation of a college-tuition tax credit? With almost no time left on the clock, after winning the fight on tax policy, is the plan to simply punt on New START ratification, DADT repeal, the DREAM Act, food safety, and health care for Ground Zero workers, hoping for the best in the next Congress?

      I understand very well what opponents on the left want to do to the tax deal, and why. I’m less clear on what happens next.

      Talk about a hostage situation. How do we get the tax plan we want and all this other stuff?

    4. anon says:

      Talk about a hostage situation. How do we get the tax plan we want and all this other stuff?


    5. a.price says:

      anon, im with you now having left the bandwagon, but really….
      the republicans are willing to let millions of americans lose their income, they are willing to hurt relations with a nuclear state, they are willing to intentioanly punish this entire country if their greedy friends dont get a tax cut….
      are you?

    6. anon says:

      The expiration of the upper income tax cuts is the top priority. Those who believe otherwise are underestimating the damage that has been done by those cuts. We cannot afford to continue them. Gridlock resulting in no bill is the only way to kill the tax cuts for the rich now. We will not get another chance.

      All the other tax cuts can be fought for in 2011. What kind of leaders can’t sell tax cuts to Republicans?

      Also, some are wildly overestimating the damage that will be done by the expiration of the cuts under $250K. It will hardly cause pain to all Americans.

      The poorest among us don’t even pay income tax (40%, as wingnuts keep telling us) so they will not be affected.

      And for those who are in the lower end of the taxable brackets, yes it might be a bit painful – call your GOP Congressman.

      And for those at the upper end of middle class, cry me a river about your few extra points on your tax rate.

      The unemployed will put unbearable pressure on Republicans to restore UI.

    7. anon says:

      And remember, Republicans LOVE to vote for tax cuts. The only reason Republicans blocked the middle class tax cuts is because Obama promised them they would get a better deal later. If Obama had stood firm and made it clear it was their last chance, the middle class tax cuts would have cleared the Senate easily.

    8. pandora says:

      The unemployed will put unbearable pressure on Republicans to restore UI.


      Right now, the unemployed are paying close attention to this deal. If Republicans kill it, then they’ll be blamed, but if Dems join in the killing then the Dems will be blamed. Not entirely fair, but that’s the way it will go – and the media will help.

    9. anon says:

      This is not the time for fear of who gets blamed. A little courage, please. I never said it wouldn’t require a spine.

      The unemployed will put unbearable pressure on Republicans to restore UI. “–How?”

      You are kidding right? Look at the Teabaggers for a model of how to put pressure on Congress.

    10. pandora says:

      What about Republicans lead you to believe they’ll play ball with anyone? How would killing this deal lead to a better deal? Show me the votes.

      (I could care less about my taxes going up. Like I said yesterday – that is a luxury.)

      And the Tea Party is a controlled group who followed orders when it came to keeping silent about Wall Street and the banks.

    11. liberalgeek says:

      Well the Republicans did shut down the government with Newt and Clinton. At the end of the day, Clinton came off looking like the winner and Gingrich like we see him today.

      Calling a bluff is best when you start with a pretty good hand.

    12. a.price says:

      anon, if you are going to use the baggers as a model for getting your ideas heard, count me out.
      I wont participate in Tbaggery.

    13. a.price says:

      “Clinton came off looking like the winner and Gingrich like we see him today”

      someone who, with the right spin and Media coverage could be president?

    14. TheGoodAnon says:

      anon, if you are going to use the baggers as a model for getting your ideas heard, count me out.
      I wont participate in Tbaggery.

      Most of what the tbaggers do is ordinary participatory democracy – calling and writing their Congressmen, visiting them, attending public meetings, and writing LTEs. The ideas are crazy but the methods are sound.

      We just elected a Senator and a Congressman who pre-capitulated on taxes before the election. Until this week you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge that was a bad idea (the position I mean – not the Senator or Congressman 🙂 )

      We are where we are today, because you and others like you counted yourself out for so long.

    15. TheGoodAnon says:

      Calling a bluff is best when you start with a pretty good hand.

      Clinton filled up his hand with money, when he passed his economic plan in 1993. He was smart enough to do it before he lost Congress.

      Obama can fill his hand with money by letting the tax cuts for the rich expire.

    16. anon says:

      DeMint just said he would vote against the deal. Hensaarling and Bachmann too. You know why they said?

      Because the tax cuts aren’t extended permanently.

      They are doing the right thing for the wrong reason, but I’ll take it.

      Call. Their. Bluff.

      No more tax bills this year, unless they want a do-over on the House bill they voted down.

    17. Jason330 says:

      It is not surprising that Republicans are backing out. Any and all “yes” votes are viewed as collaboration with Obama. I’m still confused about why Obama does not seem to understand modern Republicanism, while he is only too eager to disparage Democrats.

    18. anon2 says:

      On anothter note, has Congress even looked at any of the appropriations bills that are supposed to be enacted before the start of the new fiscal year?

    19. Truth Teller says:

      Price there is only one way to test your theory and that is to call the Repuks bluff and let the tax Cuts expire and watch the Repuks cave for a change

    20. Truth Teller says:

      Also every one call Nancy and Harry like I have and tell them not to bring this ransom package to the floor for a vote

    21. Boxwood says:

      The Republicans will not let the tax cuts expire.

      Call their bluff.

    22. anon says:

      Jay Leno tests out some new themes last night:

      It looks like the Bush-era tax cuts for the wealthy will continue thanks, to the courage of a strong Republican leader: Barack Obama.

      In fact, Obama changed his slogan from “yes, we can” to “yes, we cave.”

      I’ll give you an idea how bad it is for him now. Now Democrats want to see his birth certificate.

      Not very funny. But still a barometer you can’t afford to ignore.

    23. anon says:

      How is this tax cut for the 1% in the best interest of americans. Not one penny for the 99ners! $900Billion ADDED to the budget. No job creation here. Why did Clyburn state he was on the phone with Pelosi and other top shelf dems on Sunday, and not ONE word was spoken of the private deal Obama cut with republicans. Why did Obama throw his party under the bus. Because he is a political animal more interested in kicking the economic can down the road to 2012, while trying to get independents on his side. Independents hate that deal as much as anyone else. Obama based his decision on a Gallup poll. That poll has two questions. There was NO option for those who disapproved of the tax cuts for the 1%. Obama has caved at every opportunity to the GOP, while throwing his base under the bus. He is simply taking us all for granted. He shouldnt.

    24. Truth Teller says:

      Rush the junkie reaped 10 million dollars in extra tax cuts during the past 10 years of Bush’s tax plan how many jobs did he create and beside that he moved his show from New York to Florida to avoid taxes.
      So besides being a Chicken Hawk and draft dodger he is also a Tax dodger.
      The kind of American the Teabaggers love.
      Speaking of Teabaggers where is the outrage over adding 900 billion to the debt?????