Standing across the street and yelling back is so unsatisfying and spitting in Fred Phelps’ mouth is tricky – so what are people around the country doing?
My favorite response was from the Comic-Con attendees. It was chock-a-block with geeky snarkitude including the awesome chant “What do we want?! GAY SEX!! When do we want it?! NOW!!”
I also like the McAlester, Oklahoma response, wherein the groups tires were slashed and nobody in town would sell them new ones.
Gunn High School in Palo Alto. had a kind of joyful sing off.
Alpha Delta Phi at the University of Chicago got their Diana Ross on.
This handsome guy, Jason, (no relation) held a fundraiser on the backs of a Westboro. He thanked Fred Phelps for all the help raising money for the Human Rights Campaign.
Whatever the community, signage is always awesome.
After going through these, I have to say that if the mission of the Westboro Baptist Church is to try and make people cool with homosexuality – they are doing a fantastic job.