DL’s War On Christmas Party TONIGHT!

Filed in National by on December 16, 2010

Be there (with lots of food for the Food Bank) or be a Grinch!

Date:  Thursday, December 16th

Time:  7pm

Place:  Timothy’s on the Riverfront in Wilmington

Admission to the event is food for the Food Bank.  Please bring as much as you can – people are really hurting.

Feel free to use the comment section to RSVP!  All are welcome.

*We’ll be located in the bar area, and I’ll be making up a table sign.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (22)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I’ll be there.

    It is important to note that if you want to see bloggers out in the wild, this will be your last opportunity until DelawarePolitics.net has their War on Ramadan Party sometime in July.


  2. Jason330 says:

    If you ever see me at another one of those DelawrePoltics “parties” sipping warm Walmart brand 7 up in an overheated Church basement hovering over a bag of cheatos while David goes on for the millionth time about how “baby” Doc Duvalier was really good for Hati, please kill me.

  3. anon says:

    Free admission if you bring a baby Jesus stolen from a nativity scene.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    We’ll pay you to come if the baby Jesus was removed from public lands by filing a first amendment challenge in court. 🙂

  5. Jason330 says:

    At this point I see Matt Denn putting a line through this event in his day planner.

  6. pandora says:

    I hope not, Jason. He could always hang out with the more temperate side of DL! 👿

  7. anon says:

    Any more temperate and they would be asleep. Or editors of the “Lifestyles” section 🙂

  8. Jason330 says:

    Zing! Can’t wait to read anon’s blog.

  9. anon says:

    There was a time a few years ago with a proliferation of individual blogs. But then there was a shakeout and the only ones left standing were run by people with either time, secure incomes, or both.

    The best blogging is by people who are able to also be active in the real world and then report on it (aka gonzo journalism). Everyone else is a commenter.

  10. Joanne Christian says:

    If you’re bringing baby Jesus, phone ahead, so I can send something up to get him out of those swaddlin’ clothes. Otherwise, have a great evening–and maybe we’ll meet for Groundhog’s Day.

  11. Jason330 says:

    It is snowgasm 2010 in Kent County. I might be snowed in.

  12. pandora says:

    Oh please! Put on your man-pants! 😉

  13. I hope the snow doesn’t keep people away.

  14. pandora says:

    I was just out picking up the kids. The roads are okay, just take it slowly.

  15. Jason330 says:

    If it is just me, you, Pandora, Donviti ant Not Matt Denn it will still be better than that so-called party that delawarepolitics put on in a Church basement.

  16. And I’ll be there too, with a new Christmas song not suited for a church basement…

  17. another-anon says:

    I hope everyone had a good time. Parental duties prevented me from attending.

  18. A good time was had by all. Thanks to everyone who braved the traffic (the traffic was horrible) to come out. Also, I think ‘Bulo has a second career as a lounge singer if he dares to dream.

  19. reis says:

    I had a lonely beer (flat and lukewarm) in Sussex County, surrounded by people who firmly believed that Obama was born on Mars. Maybe someday DL will recognize the other two counties of Delaware. After all, the best beer in the world is made in Milton.

  20. Libsareclueless says:


    the best beer in the world is made in Milton. ??!!

    if you are referring to Dogpiss Head, PUH-LEASE !!!!!
    It is average at best. Ol’ Sam needs to realize that we want our beer to taste like BEER…not honey, blueberries, tomatoes, spit, etc etc etc… Besides, he’s just some rich dude laughing all the way to the bank, counting his money that you so-called beer experts gave him!!


  21. reis says:

    60 Minute IPA is genius in a bottle.

  22. Libsareclueless says:

    i’ll give ya the IPA….i’ll give ya that…

    but I prefer the 27 minute and 43 seconds IPA…. ha ha ha


    GO EAGLES !!