Delaware Liberal

Ross & Kovach vs. the Rest of the DE GOP ?

Could the special election for New Castle County President be turning into yet another GOP proxy war between the sorta sane Republicans, and the out and out Republican lunatics? Tom Kovach is viewed as the product of “just another Delaware GOP backroom deal,” his candidacy, a creation of the discredited Tom Ross GOP. In the unlikely event of a Kovach’s win, the credit would accrue to Ross which is NOT the desired outcome for the GOP’s die hard nutbags.

But to say that there is an anti-Ross/Kovach faction flatters the mish-mash of dim witted grudge-aholics who oppose Ross. Probably the highest profile anti-Ross personality is Don Ayotte. The man who organized the SC GOP’s censure of Ross. If you would like to get a feel for the weak-mindedness that informs Ayotte’s opposition to Ross, check out his recent post on Red State which attempts to explain O’Donnell’s failure to Redstate reading nutbags.

As a republican conservative, I liked O’Donnell immensely but she was unelectable for several reasons. First the Delaware GOP failed to immediately endorse and support her and pundits like Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer abandoned her. Secondly, the moderate conservative republicans in New Castle County were angered and would not vote for her. Thirdly, she made so many gaffes in media interviews and talk radio shows, that she could not recover.

Sorry…I have to highlight this… “moderate conservative Republicans in New Castle County” ??? WTF? After concocting a new flavor of conservative, he continues….

Our party is in shambles and we must work hard to reorganize before any respectable candidate will think of running for statewide office. We must first get rid of Delaware GOP Chairman, Tom Ross and help everybody build the structure within their individual districts. This will be a difficult task.

As a committeeman, I introduced a resolution to the floor of the Sussex County Committee censuring GOP Chairman Tom Ross for his behavior during the election and it passed by a 95 percent verbal vote, and it stands.

The type of person that we need to fill the state chairman’s job will require these qualities to be successful. This person must be a hard-charger and a powerful self-starter, must possess exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and have strong leadership capabilities. It is not required that this person “walk on water,” but it might help.

I write this post not to point out Delaware’s political problems but to become the beginning of the answer and start the reorganization process.

A nation can only be disgraced by the failure of its citizenry to take action in the face of tyranny!

Don Ayotte Nov. 2010

I get the feeling that Ross is safe.

(1) A literal footnote to this story is the fact that a “Libertarian” (or as Ayotte might describe him, “a libertarian moderate conservative Republican”) is also running in this race.

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