Up The River

Filed in National by on December 20, 2010

How much do Senators Arlen Specter and Robert Casey really want the Delaware River dredged? They’re trying an end-around by using earmarks to fund the dredging. The court cases have been lost, the river will obviously be dredged, the question remaining is what’s Delaware’s play? While Philadelphia and its Pennsylvania environs are moving forward with the Southport project, is the First State going to continue and continue to fight this or are we going to figure out a way that Delaware to get a piece of the cake?


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Capt.Willard says:

    I’d like to be able to sing: “People all over the state…join hands….
    But unfortunately, most of the jobs are going to out of state snakes.
    And with the fast-moving tides of the Delaware, well, it’s impossible to float in protest ahead of an approaching barge even WITH the aide of adult water-wings.

  2. cassandra m says:

    Much of the work so far on this dredging project (the Corps’ studies and so on)has been earmark-driven. About a month or so back, the judge in this case ruled that this project could move on, even though she previously gave Delaware until January (or so) to work out their regulatory issues. I’m curious as to where that leaves whatever the Delaware regulators were doing. Which they were apparently doing for years without completing. Whatever piece of the cake Delaware could get seems to rely on additional dredging to and upgrades to the Port of Wilmington. Someone will make the case for this, but it is not clear to me how much business is genuinely possible to get once everyone upgrades to accommodate the bigger ships.

  3. Republican David says:

    Stop standing in the way of progress.

  4. Capt.Willard says:

    @ RD- Stop standing so close to me at the urinal. I’m not nor will ever be receptive to your overtures.