Delaware Liberal

The Top 10 Political Scandals of 2010

The Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington released their top 10 political scandals of 2010 (web, pdf). The list ranges from Representative Eric Massa’s (D-NY) penchant for tickling to three-time failed Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell (Tea Party) who “treated her campaign like a personal piggy bank.” Also on the list were Sen. David Vitter (R-LA) who had an aide on staff accused of assaulting his girlfriend, the hit piece on Shirley Sherrod, the cozy relationship between BP and the government agency that was suppose to regulate it, and so on and so on.

A spokesman of the million-dollar trust fund of Christine O’Donnell said: “It’s a frivolous court action by an ultra-liberal, George Soros-financed, former [Joe] Biden-staffer run organization with their own agenda.” Geez, and I thought they were called Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

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