The good news: for first time in 18 years we won’t have Mike Castle to kick around any more. The bad news: Only nine Democrats will be going to the House of Representatives for the 112th Congress. In late January, Former Lt. Gov. John Carney will be come Representative John Carney, Delaware’s only representative in the Congress’ lower house. Carney will also become part of the Forgotten Nine – the nine freshmen Democrats who will be sitting on the backest of back benches in DC come January.
These will be strange days in Washington, strange days indeed. In a time when it will be difficult to differentiate between a Tea Partier and a Republican as Frederica Wilson (FL) mentioned, Carney said:
“It doesn’t feel much different from what I’ve been used to. I’m comfortable in my own beliefs and skin and with working with people who have a different point of view of the world.”
One of the things I am looking forward to is having a congressman represent Delaware instead of the National Republican Committee as Castle was wont to do.