Delaware Liberal

Twitter: The Ultimate Political Sound Bite

The 2008 presidential hopefuls announced  their candidacy in a variety of ways, though late night TV seemed to be the vehicle of choice. Teapublican presidential hopefuls for 2012 need to decide where they will announce as this could set the tone for their primary run.

Veteran Democratic pollster Peter Hart cautioned 2012 hopefuls against choosing late-night or a venue like the “The Daily Show” for a presidential announcement, warning it’s a move that could backfire in a sour political climate with a high unemployment rate.

“I’m not a gimmick guy,” said Hart. “I think you want to make an announcement that reflects your seriousness about being president. The ability to find that locale, that backdrop and the crowd that allows you to say it in the right way is important.”

Where will Palin announce? Will she be standing in front of a dead moose? Will Haley Barbour announce from Pulaski, Tennessee, the birthplace of the KKK? Will NJ Gov. Chris Christie announce with Snookie and The Situation standing behind him? How about Newt Gingrich? Will he announce from the Vatican?

All kidding aside, GOP pollster Tyler Harber suggests a conservative talk show.

“You always have a target population in mind that you want to reach when you announce. And getting the earned media about how you announce is just as important as what you say.”

IMHO, Twitter will be the engine the runs the campaigns over the next two years. Twitter allows you to contact your base directly and the mainstream media will be all over reporting your 140-character as news. So keep your ears and eyes open, and maybe open a Twitter account if you don’t have one already.

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