Delaware Liberal

I Don’t Want To Say I Told You So…

OK, I’m lying. I totally do like to say I told you so. Remember the story of Cpt. Honor, who made raunchy videos and showed it to the members of the U.S.S. Enterprise crew?

The Navy announced this afternoon that it has fired Capt. Owen Honors from his post as commander of the USS Enterprise over crude videos he made in 2006 and 2007.

Honors has been re-assigned to administrative duties.

“The responsibility of the commanding officer for his or her command is absolute,” Adm. John Harvey, commander of the Navy’s Fleet Forces Command, said in a statement released this afternoon. “While Captain Honors’ performance as commanding officer of U.S.S. Enterprise has been without incident, his profound lack of good judgment and professionalism while previously serving as executive officer on Enterprise calls into question his character and completely undermines his credibility to continue to serve effectively in command.”

“After personally reviewing the videos created while serving as executive officer, I have lost confidence in Capt. Honors’ ability to lead effectively,” Harvey said, “and he is being held accountable for poor judgment and the inappropriate actions demonstrated in the videos that were created while he served as executive officer on Enterprise.”

Did I call it or what?

So, since I was not in the Navy, I am not able to recognize that sharing a video that would get you fired from most workplaces is only handslap worthy from the Navy. I think Honor is going to be in big trouble because he violated one of the cardinal rules: don’t publicly embarrass the boss. Now Navy officials will be playing defense on their past actions. Never a good place to be.

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