Delaware Liberal

“Our Economy is in Danger”

The Teapublicans are in charge of the House of Representatives which really only points out that Americans have a shorter attention span than Floyd from True Romance. And now the GOP is about to spread misery to the poor and the middle class. Bob Herbert writes:

You just can’t close the door on this crowd. The party that brought us the worst economy since the Great Depression, that led us into Iraq and the worst foreign policy disaster in American history, that would like to take a hammer to Social Security and a chisel to Medicare, is back in control of the House of Representatives with the expressed mission of undermining all things Obama.

Some more from Herbert:

This is a party that has mastered the art of taking from the poor and the middle class and giving to the rich. We should at least be clear about this and stop being repeatedly hoodwinked — like Charlie Brown trying to kick Lucy’s football — by G.O.P. claims of fiscal responsibility.

And this:

We’ll see and hear a lot of populist foolishness from the Republicans as 2011 and 2012 unfold, but their underlying motivation is always the same. They are about making the rich richer.

Oh yeah, the quote on in the title, that was said by George W. Bush in September 2008. Remember that? Probably not.

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