The Missing Word

Filed in National by on January 6, 2011

As the Republicans plan for a series of symbolic votes in the House of Representatives, they push our children out to pasture as the Teapublican Pledge to America (pdf) never once mentions the word education.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Von Cracker says:

    Well that’s simple to explain. Education destroys myths, gods, misconceptions, prejudices, wives-tales, poverty and alienation.

    If that happened then there would be no Tea Party. I chaulk it up to self-preservation.

  2. Mercedes Marxist says:

    Funny because Democrats have destroyed public education. More money and less results.

    Racist Obama stopped a choice program for minorities in DC, thousands left without hope.

  3. Von Cracker says:

    Yes, so racist. Idiot!

  4. donviti says:


    I still believe that a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of gold