Delaware Liberal

Watching the CRI Working Hard for Their Climate Change Denier Merit Badge

Required, apparently, for full participation in the Wingularity.

Again, via Tommywonk, we learn that CRI (and their Director of Center for Energy Competitiveness, David T. Stephenson) have been posting up their promised *discussions* of the so-called flawed foundations of Delaware’s Energy policy. There are three new missives today: Delaware Energy Policy Assumptions Are Misleading; Global Warming Debate, A Tale of Two Theories and Global Warming Debate Basics, How Good Is the Temperature Record.

Veterans (and veteran watchers ) of the global warming debate* immediately recognize what is going on here. None of this is original work, of course, but another regurgitation of the petrochemical industry’s manufactured talking points and pre-rehearsed obsfuscations. There is nothing here that is an argument among genuine climate scientists — this is all ginned up by folks on the payroll of the firms who have financial interests in making sure that the real scientific conversations are completely politicized. Because they think that was win in a political argument since there is no science to back up their claims.

Anyway, I’ll be spending more time with this later on, but what struck me when I read these was that the CRI is apparently just going to regurgitate some subset of the already discredited arguments.

We should create CRI Climate Change Denier Bingo cards with this list and play bingo as we watch what arguments they trot out. Anyone want to take a go at this? I’ll provide prizes for those who play if we can get the cards….

(*which isn’t really a debate, because science just isn’t done like this, but we can’t convince our media of that)

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