She was Dallas Green’s granddaughter.

Filed in Delaware by on January 9, 2011

The 9 year old girl killed yesterday, was Christina-Taylor Green, the granddaughter of legendary Phillies manager Dallas Green and daughter of Los Angeles Dodgers scout John Green.

Our world is small, physically and philosophically.

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  1. phil says:

    also, born 9/11/01

  2. Ishmael says:

    The Left does some truly despicable things in this world, but this is a new low for Democrats. Former three-time Democrat gubernatorial candidate Fred Phelps Jr. (commonly called just “Fred Phelps”) and his Westboro Hate Group have announced plans to disrupt the funeral of 9 year-old shooting victim Christina Greene. Christina was murdered by Jared Lee Loughner yesterday in his assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

  3. anon says:

    Disemvowel Ishy.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    oh jeebus, it’s the hitler-was-a-vegetarian-so-your-local-greengrocer-is-a-fascist argument!

    that’s some fancy thinking you got going on there, Ishy-poo. you might have more in common with Phelps than you thought!

  5. left says:

    the “left” as you call us stands against everything Phelps stands for. i know you wanna try and use this tragedy to land a punch so i wont say much more than that. ass hole.