Delaware Liberal

This Doesn’t Surprise Me

The whacked out pseudo-Christian Westboro Baptist Church plans to protest the funerals of the 6 people who were murdered yesterday during the assassination attempt on Rep. Gabby Giffords. It seems that they believe the shootings are G-D’s revenge on the lawsuits against them that are wending their way through the courts.

In a flier posted on its web site, the controversial church writes, “THANK GOD FOR THE SHOOTER — 6 DEAD!” The message continues:

God appointed this rod for your sins! God sent the shooter! This hateful nation unleashed violent veterans on the servants of God at WBC–hoping to silence our kind warning to obey God and flee the wrath to come.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, there needs to be a limit placed on the hate that this and other groups like it spew. It’s wrong. And it needs to stop.

And now a special message to the Fat Man on WGMD – you need to stop! Now! You cry out in your latest blog post about how liberal groups are just blaming the teabaggers for this and other crimes in order to silence them. You made false claims on your show lately about how the FBI is intimidating teabaggers in Sussex in order to silence them. You cried out that there would be “blood in the streets if the election” didn’t go your way in November. And you said this:

As the day of tragedy wore on people who knew the accused started coming forward and telling investigators and media the man is a liberal in good standing. Of course he is. He has a drug bust. I know of not one conservative who smokes up, shoots up or snorts up

I know plenty of conservatives who have drug busts and who use or have used drugs. And some of them live in Sussex County.

You need to stop, Bill, and you need to stop, now! The garbage you spew on a daily basis, and encourage on a daily basis, is a cancer that is growing on this country, a cancer that claimed 6 lives yesterday. You’re a Limbaugh/Beck wannabe and repeating their bullshit doesn’t make you a wise man, it makes you a parrot and a lemming. You need to stop, or we need to do what we can to get you off the air, even if that means refusing to patronize the businesses that advertise on your show.

And you also need to put your man pants back on and allow the public the chance to comment on your blog posts on your employer’s website. Are you that chickenshit that you cannot take the the criticism that will come your way from your blog posts? Comment on this blog post if you’re brave enough. We wont censor you.

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