Delaware Liberal

Look at me with all this egg on my face

I should not have jumped to conclusions. It has now been confirmed by multiple sources that Jared Loughner was a raging liberal all whacked out on the hate message that streams out of the liberal media 24/7. You’ve heard that right?

Whenever I think that, at long last, Republicans will be forced to confront their sickening malfeasance….
Whenever I think that the other shoe has finally dropped…
Whenever I get the feeling that reality has caught up to and busted up the greedy, stupid, lying, violent, acid trip, dreamworld propped up by the right media…
Whenever I thnk that sanity and reason have a glimmer of a chance of prevailing in this dystopia….

I just have to wait 24 hours and the media narrative will be fixed. When it comes to fixing a narrative, there are no lies that could make your modern Republican blush.

There is no contrived bullshit that Republicans will not hold up as a pristine truth.

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