Failure is the DE GOP’s Only Option?

Filed in Delaware, National by on January 13, 2011

We’ve seen it in the past on the national level and now we are seeing it on the state level: Republicans don’t want to govern. Conservative blogger David Anderson wrote this about State Senator Carl Bonini’s vote for Anthony DeLuca:

There are tough times ahead in Delaware.  The Democrats own the government.  Republicans should not rescue them.  Let them take all of the heat for the mess they created.   A coalition with Senator Katz would have been setting the GOP up for failure.  Senator Bonini should be thanked for rescuing us from that fate.

So as I read this, one of the loudest voices in the conservative/Tea Party movement in Delaware would rather see Delaware fail so that the Republican party could be resurrected in Delaware. I can only hope that the small number of Republicans in Dover don’t think along the same lines as the bloggers at Delaware Politics.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

Comments (34)

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Great catch and a great summary of the Republican position by David Anderson.

  2. Republican David says:

    Sounds like a concession that you can’t succeed without Republicans rescuing you. No more, let us govern or fix your own messes.

  3. nemski says:

    Wow, just, wow.

  4. Wile E. Ayotte for State Party Chair! If sanity, experience, and a resume are not required to be our Senate candidate, then why worry about them for this position?

    Reading DP has convinced me that that I need to bring a motion to censure myself at the next Sussex meeting.

  5. nemski says:

    As I went out to vote, I was thinking about Republican David’s comment above, “Sounds like a concession that you can’t succeed without Republicans rescuing you. No more, let us govern or fix your own messes.”

    Let us govern or fix your own messes.

    Just let that sink in for a moment.

    This has to be one of the most undemocratic statements I’ve read in a while. Let us govern. I’m sorry, I can’t just let the Republicans govern. There’s this thing called elections and different political party put up candidates for offices. The citizens then vote on who they want to represent them on county councils, school boards, and various other legislative bodies. The is no letting anyone do anything. Maybe this could be a problem with conservatives. Maybe, just maybe, some conservatives just don’t understand how our government works.

  6. Jason330 says:

    There is your Republican willingness to cooperate in a nutshell. The deeper irony, of course, is thier crackpot governing and economic theories have all been tried and failed spectacularly. And yet they act like they are always holding all the cards. To compromise with them is like bargaining with an arsonist to only burn down half of your house.

  7. Publius says:

    Please don’t think David Anderson represents mainstream Republican thought. Just because the guy has a blog that might be read by a few hundred in an echo chamber doesn’t mean he speaks for the party or Republicans in general. What a great tactic you guys have here–find a questionable statement by a Republican and then claim that it reflects everyone who is a Republican. I take it you all agree with everything Krugman wrote this weekend.

  8. Geezer says:

    It’s basically what I said the other day: They want to be able to complain, not to solve problems, unless they get the credit for solving them.

  9. Republican David says:

    Actually, I do and the blog is read by a lot more than a few hundred people. I don’t think there is anything anyone can really disagree with in that statement. The role of the loyal opposition is to give an alternative not give cover.

    I think the primary results of 2010 (both in Delaware and across the nation) show that Publius types are has beens. Collaberation is fine if it advances the public good. Compromise for the sake of itself only harms the public good by watering down good ideas for the sake of the timid. There is a time to compromise and a time to fight. Now is the time to fight for America. Compromise is defeat unless it is on our terms. The tax bill, the debt ceiling with spending cuts, START are all examples of getting positive movement.

    This hope we get a voice stuff is pathetic. We need to proverbially set the place ablaze. We need to revamp state government. It can no longer work quite like it did 30 years ago. A lot of inefficiency has grown up again. The Democrats keep waving off Markell and he seems to back off. It is sad. Republicans in Delaware should do like Gingrich did in the U. S. House and conduct a war of ideas confronting and exposing Democrat failure not embrassing it.

  10. nemski says:

    Two things:

    1. Mike Castle would probably disagree with you that Delaware Politics does not represent Delaware Republican thought.

    2. It’s not like I’m pulling a tweet from some whack job living in his parents basement. This is a quote from someone who was instrumental in getting O’Donnell and Urquhart wins in the 2010 Delaware Republican primary.

  11. nemski says:

    Seriously Republican David did you have to write, “set the place abalze” and “conduct a war”? Seriously, are you trying to be funny, because it’s not. Not at all.

  12. Republican David says:

    Would you like to at least include the entire phrases in your quote? “war of ideas” ” proverbially set the place ablaze”. I don’t think I need to explain what I met. Like Prego its in there and you have to carefully cut and paste to make it mean otherwise.

    By the way thank you Nemski, you are correct with your analysis. In a GOP primary, we may be more influencial than the News Journal.

  13. Jason330 says:

    This idea that DE Republucans can control their David’s at this stage is wishful thinking. If David is not representative of the modern day Delaware Republican, he is only off by a few ticks. And it is far more likely that he and his ilk will set the future agenda than the remnants of the Castle GOP.

    And, no. He is not joking. He cannot control his violent language because it is all they have.

  14. Delaware Dem says:



  15. Republican David says:

    Since when did conducting a war of ideas become “violent language”. I guess wanting to set the world on fire with a fresh outlook and bright ideas is akin to genocide. Sorry, but I won’t abandon imagery and metaphors to appease the whimps of America who want to take everything bold and colorful out of the language.

    We are engaged in a war of ideas, but this battlefield is in the hearts and minds of voters. That is a war fought with words and ideas not guns and bombs. Hopefully, you guys can get away from TPM long enough to snap back to reality. Last week, you understood that simple concept.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Such a great spokesperson for the DEGOP. Perfect pitch as usual.

  17. Republican David says:

    Thanks for the promotion. Now I speak for the DE GOP. It is an honor. I thought I just represented a significant point of view, but never turn down a promotion.

  18. Jason330 says:

    You’re welcome. Keep on trucking. I especially enjoy how you turn your earlier quote about political nihilism into the “idea” that you intend to bring to some “war of ideas”. Very entertaining.

  19. MJ says:

    There is a difference between being the “loyal opposition” and being the Party of No, which is what the delusional one is proposing. Don’t offer any ideas on how to fix things to make them work better, just say “no.” David, that slogan didn’t work for Nancy Reagan and it sure as hell won’t work in Delaware. My guess is that the only fools that might follow you are Don Ayotte and his band of pitchfork-wielding boobs. The GOP caucus might let you in the room, but once you leave, they laugh at you and your asinine statements.

  20. Bocnroc says:

    Just goes to show you how stupid the Liberal Democrats are, now they want to complain about speech, and want claim the GOP is the party of no, when in fact, if it had not been for the RINOS, none of the bills, such as Obamacare would have passed!! Put that in you pipe and smoke it, because what you are smoking has got your brain up your BUTT!!!

  21. They really do laugh at you David, and Wile E. Ayotte.

    Then again, if you don’t need to have any complishments, resume, or credibility to by the Teabagz candidate for US Senator, then why require them to be State Party Chair.

    I want a cage match between Idiyotte and the Pilot!

    Now I’m going to go censure myself, ‘cuz that is how we Teabagz roll.

  22. LOL @ “if it had not been for the RINOS, none of the bills, such as Obamacare would have passed!! Put that in you pipe and smoke it, because what you are smoking has got your brain up your BUTT!!!”

    Remind me again which RINOs voted for “Obamacare,” as you call it? The way I remember that going down was zero Republican votes in the House and in the Senate on the final votes.

  23. MJ says:

    OMG – it appears the Curley is commenting on our blog again.

  24. Mongo says:

    Mongo was driving across town a few minutes ago to pick up pizza for the little Mongos. During that five minute drive, Mongo turned on wgmd and listened to the afternoon guy. In just five minutes, he lied about the president’s words and his motivatiion concerning last night’s memorial service, he purported to see into the herds of all gun-control advocates and could see that what they really want is to disarm the country. Just before Mongo shut off the car, the host was making fun of the name of a newspaper columnist, because the name is vaguely French. Within five minutes.
    If we are going to change the tone of political discourse, Mongo has come to the conclusion that we must do something about these people who do nothing but lie, misrepresent positions, and get people upset about that which isn’t even true. However, brilliant this epiphany is, Mongo is stumped when it comes to how. How do you keep free speech alive while still insisting that out airwaves are not full of lies and hate? It’s a head scratcher.
    Do any of you have ideas?
    Sincerely, Mongo.

  25. MJ says:

    Mongo, we need a Sheriff Bart.

  26. Mongo,

    The only idea I have is to call them out and shame them. This was happening with Palin this week. As long as it’s making money and driving Reoublicans to the polls, it will keep happening.

  27. If Reoublicans don’t think they have a responsibility to govern, they should all resignl we don’t need clowns drawing a paycheck for doing nothing.

  28. Whiners says:

    Let’s see. Dem Governors for 20 years in De. Dem state house for two years. Delaware state senate for 40 years. Somehow you whiners and wimps blame the GOP for problems. Try getting your own house in order and shut up.

  29. nemski says:

    @ Whiners . . . Please read the post, because your comment shows that you have not.

  30. Andye Daley says:

    May I chime in here guys? I am not sure who Republican Dave is…But I know who I am, I was Tom’s Campaign Manager and I could not be further from the Tea Party. I (as is Tom) am a moderate Republican. We had very little support from anyone from the “Tea Party” and Far right wing. A few members of the Kent County GOP came up to help with some lit drops, and a parade, and some calling, but the majority of our campaign was not from that sect of the Delaware GOP. We welcomed help from anyone on our campaign, I’d D’s and R’s . Our objective was to fix a broken and unbalanced County Government, nothing more and nothing less.

  31. Andye Daley says:

    already corrected

  32. Writing Desk Raven says:

    I though Evan was Tom’s campaign manager and that credit for the win was due to Glen Urquhart? Would David Anderson… lie….?

  33. Andye Daley says:

    I never even met Evan and Glen had Tom on a radio program once…not even sure if there was a check sent to Tom on Glen’s behalf. I will check, but as of two weeks ago, we had not received one.

  34. kavips says:

    Man, I’m still struggling with the image of pitchfork welding boobs. How does she keep from poking her own face when she’s running? ….

    and where do those muscles to squeeze them together like that, come from?