Delaware Liberal

The Honorary Crank of the Week is ….

Senate Minority Leader Gary Simpson (R).

The Delaware State Senate passed one of those harmless, non-binding, honorary resolutions this week, making Christina Taylor Green an honorary member of the Senate, so as to honor her and her all too short life. If you recall, Christina was one of the victims gunned down by the terrorist, Jared Loughner. Most Senators, both Democratic and Republican, signed on as co-sponsors of the resolution and voted in favor. Just a small gesture in honorary a victim. Legislatures, both federal and state, pass these nonbinding resolutions all the time. It is one of the ways we as a society honor our heros.

The resolution passed 18-1.

The one vote against it was Senator Simpson. He wasn’t sure about precedent of naming a non-Delawarean as a member of the Senate.

Pssst…. Senator Simpson, you do realize that this is a nonbinding resolution, don’t you? You know what non-binding means, don’t you. It means the resolution has no precedental value.

Why must certain old conservatives be such cranks?

A little girl died, and you are carrying on about precedents concering a NONBINDING resolution. Unbelievable.

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