Tone Deaf in Hollywood

Filed in National by on January 14, 2011

Vicki Lawrence shows just how tone deaf “celebrities” can be.

A recent parody video about Ted Williams made by comedienne Vicki Lawrence is no laughing matter to advocates for the homeless.

The actress recently released a video in which, while dressed as the famous “Mama” character that she originated in the late 1960s on “The Carol Burnett Show,” she claims that the only way to become famous these days is to be homeless.

The video clearly targets the recent rise of homeless voice-over artist Williams. “So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to take this stupid a– sign and go out on the street, and I’m gonna wait for some bozo to drive by.

My guess is that Ms. Lawrence, who was Carol Burnett’s sidekick for oh so many years (hell, she owes her career to Ms. Burnett) is just a bit pissed off that no one really cares about her anymore. So this has-been actress has to take out her anger at being reduced to doing voice-overs for right-wing Christian children’s shows on someone who is getting a second chance.

Mama, you just ain’t that funny anymore.


About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    Vicki Lawrence is still alive?

  2. Jeff says:

    I totally agree with Ms. Lawrence. This countries cheap idea of “fame these days is nauseating. That this poor guy was slammed under public scrutiny is sickening. He was no where near ready for all of this and now probably because of it he is in rehab.

    This is america’s idea of entertainment. Vicki Lawrence gave folks a hell of a lot more laughter and bang for their buck then this poor schmoe ever will. But it’s not his fault. It’s moron America’s.

  3. Republican David says:

    What is a “right wing” Christian children’s show? What is right wing about it?

  4. MJ says:

    Jeff – what the hell are you talking about?

    Delusional One – let’s see. None of the 4 major networks produce or air these types of shows. In fact, they’re produced either at TBN or CBN, and neither of these are known for their moderate political views. That makes them right-wing Christian in my book. And they employ such other has-beens as Willie Aames (who played Bibleman on TBN) and Kirk Cameron (rapture anyone).

    This sounds pretty right-wing Christian to me.

  5. David E Charbonneau says:

    vicki lawrence- after seeing your disgusting video I am here to say to you that you are a disgust to the hollywood industry as there are very many of you that came from no-where an were able to have an opportunity at the so called good life- but there are more of you actors and actresses that have obtained a lower level in life just where you are now -doing your drugs and having your sex parties and thinking that we worship your sorry asses = you are as simple as the next person as all of you high and mighty people think that you are not- that you for some reason believe you are better than ted or myself or a starving homeless child on the floors of a third world country- you make me and many others sick- and to think I watched your has been ass on tv.half of hollywood is in fricken rehab you bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. David E Charbonneau says:

    And to you jeff- you are a sick prick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!