Delaware Liberal

Frank Knotts Wants to Kill Ron Sams

The sheer weight and repetition of violent rhetoric aimed at Ron Sams is a big red flag. That fact that Knotts feels victimized by those in the DE GOP that do not buy into his extreme brand of social conservatism is typical of the kind of paranoid ravings that tend to presage the type of violence that is becoming a hallmark of the Teabag Republicans.

“There is an epic battle headed our way.” “This battle has been in the making for many years now. Some have tried time and time again to be the peace makers, to no avail.”

“Here in the state of Delaware we have seen the opening skirmishes. I am proud to say that the “Concord and Lexington” of this war may well have been fought right here in my home county of Sussex.”

“So now the GOP faces a fight from within. It is a war of their choosing.”

“…at the last Sussex County GOP meeting the shot heard round the state was fired. The battle was waged. From the reports that I have heard it was not pretty.”

“In attempting to squash the uprising, he (Sams) has added fuel to the fire.”

“We will either wrest control of the party from the establishment elite, or we will tear it down and start over.”

“Those on the left within the GOP will tell you that those of us on the right within the GOP are going to destroy the party by waging this war. Well that may well be true.”

“…when you hear some party wonk tell you that Frank Knotts and his like are destroying the GOP, remember that this is a war of their choosing.”

Knotts needs to recant and apologize for his violent, unhinged rhetoric. There is no room for these types of threats in a Democracy.

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