Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on January 15, 2011

Welcome to your weekend open thread. It’s been quite a week, hasn’t it? I’m hoping this weekend is calmer than last weekend.

This is freaky! Click at your own risk. (Don’t say I didn’t warn you!)

This will go nowhere but that won’t stop them from trying.

This is starting to get pretty silly.

A member of the House Armed Services Committee plans to introduce legislation next week designed to put the brakes on repeal of the military’s ban on openly gay troops.

The measure by Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) would add the four military service chiefs to the list of those who must sign off on repealing the policy before it can be officially scrapped. […]

The aide said Hunter could introduce the bill as soon as Tuesday evening, adding that “15 to 20” members — so far all Republicans — have signed on.

I’m genuinely surprised so many Republicans are bothering to pursue this. Remember, it’s not just Hunter — Rep. Joe Wilson (R-S.C.), the new chairman of the House Armed Services Committee’s military personnel panel, said he’d look for chances to bring back DADT, too, and presidential hopeful Tim Pawlenty (R) announced this week he would “support reinstating” the repealed, discriminatory policy.

I guess some people have trouble accepting defeat. In fact, the repeal of DADT and the (hopefully) end to Prop 8 has led to a mini-resurgence in professional homophobes. Look at what is happening to CPAC, the once-premiere conservative conference, because they dared to let GOProud attend.

The Tea Party not only appeals to the living, it also appeals to the dead.

Joan Snyder Holmes has been dead for nearly four years. But during the past two years, she’s managed to make thousands of dollars in donations to one of the country’s premier Tea Party organizations.

Those donations, uncovered by the Center for Responsive Politics in a report released Friday, gives an alternate, more cryptic meaning to the term grassroots.

According to the money-in-politics investigative organization, Tea Party Express’ PAC reported receiving three donations from Holmes in autumn 2009 for a total of $2,500. An additional lump-sum donation of $5,000 was made in September of that year.

Had Holmes not died of cancer on Feb. 1, 2007 — she was cremated, and her ashes are at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia — this would have all be relatively unremarkable. As it is, neither her husband nor the Tea Party express could conjure up any explanation for the money.

According to the TV psychics, the dead never have a message except that they’re fine. I guess Joan Holmes found an issue that was worth communicating from beyond. Would it shock you to hear that Mrs. Holmes’s husband is a big Tea Party donor?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. jason330 says:

    The HomoTeabgaus is not burdened by the notion that rules apply to them.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    it sounds like some dumb recneck wanted to make a patriotic donation in his dead wife’s name. Fools that they are, they play dumb when caught and will react with righteous patriotism if pushed. … rinse and repeat.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/01/15/eric-fuller-arrested-tea-party-arizona-shooting_n_809584.html the “they do it too” argument on a silver friggin platter.

  4. jason330 says:

    The admin side of the site seems to be down.

  5. The whole site was down earlier.

  6. Capt.Willard says:

    She looks pretty good as a cartoon.
    Reminds me of BUGS BUNNY in drag doing the MONSTER’S hair.
    I remember that making me feel a little “funny”.
    Good thing it happened well before puberty or there would have been a shit-load of rabbits running around the neighborhood with strange red lips and sticky coats.

  7. translator says:

    @Capt.Willard: Too much information!

  8. Ishmael says:

    looks like the Pima County Sheriff finaly figured out the Involentary Committment paperwork…

    Tucson Tea Party Leader: I Want Victim Who Threatened Me To Get Help
    Talkingointsmemo 1/16/11 Rachel Sladja

    One of the 19 victims of last week’s shooting in Tucson was arrested yesterday after standing up during a town hall-style meeting (ABC program taping) and shouting, “You’re dead!” to the leader of the Tucson tea party. The victim, J. Eric Fuller, has been charged with disorderly conduct and making a threat. and was involuntarily committed to undergo a mental health evaluation, according to the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.

    The tea party leader, Trent Humphries, told TPM he hopes that if Fuller needs help, he gets it — especially if it’s the kind of help the suspected shooter never got.

    “If pressing charges is the only way to make sure he gets the help he needs, we’ll probably do that,” Humphries said in a phone interview Sunday. “I’m not saying this guy’s Jared Loughner, but I can’t tell you for sure he’s not a danger to himself, me or the community.”

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    Interesting results. Not only are charter schools more racially segregated than public schools, they don’t even clearly result in higher educational achievement.


  10. Joe Cass says:

    Right Dana, isn’t that why we’re waiting for superman? If superman were an unregulated disciplinarian, that is.

  11. Dana Garrett says:

    “Superman” turned out to be not so super. In fact, it was error filled:


  12. cassandra_m says:

    Waiting for Superman lost me at the lottery. I can’t imagine why anyone can think it conscionable for the children of American taxpayers to have to compete for what should be a highly functioning public resource. People have been spending a remarkable amount of time and energy and propaganda to funnel more taxpayer dollars into the hands of the private sector and still can’t get better outcomes. Education has become one more government service that everyone wants but no one wants to pay for. And people like Davis Guggenheim not only understand the lack of value placed in the public school system — he does, after all drive his own kid past all of those public schools to a private one — he feels guilty enough about it to make a documentary that helps him to justify his choice.

  13. Dana Garrett says:

    “Education has become one more government service that everyone wants but no one wants to pay for.”


  14. Joe Cass says:

    So that’s three to agree that the private sector is akin to having contractors build your showers in Iraq, it feels good until you catch that zap. I need my union brothers and sisters in the education industry to recognize and not follow the path of the UAW.
    It’s the “unregulated” part that I made a joke of no laughing matter. he documentary served only to encourage parents to home school