‘Bulo On Al’s Show

Filed in National by on January 16, 2011

I’ll be appearing on the Al Mascitti Show tomorrow, Monday, January 17.  I’ll be talking about the Delaware General Assembly and presumably any matters dealing with state politics and government.

Al’s show is on from 9 am to 12 noon every weekday on WDEL-1150. I’ll be on at 10 am.

Please call with any questions. I definitely hope to discuss the budget shortfall and also redistricting. But, I’d be delighted to talk DeLuca, Bonini, the Council President’s race, you name it! And Al’s a music guy as well. So, maybe we’ll even talk some Tom Waits and his election into the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame…

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Blech! Skip the Waits and read Tobin’s post on the special election turnout. I cant post on it now, or I would. Goggle: politicsbythenumbers.

  2. cassandra_m says:

    Click here for John Tobin’s great post that Jason references above.

  3. As always, John’s analysis was great. It makes clear that Sheldon lost b/c Markell voters by and large were not comfortable with him. For example, although the 7th and 10th have D pluralities in voter registration, Kovach overwhelmingly won those RD’s. Same with some of the Markellian Newark area districts.

    By contrast, Sheldon’s margins in the blue-collar RD’s were small, suggesting that only obligatory GOTV calls enabled him to win there.

    As it turns out, this was not a GOTV election, but clearly a referendum on Paul Clark and ‘overdevelopment’ as a whole. If I was one of those southern NCC councilpersons, I’d be scared, very scared.

  4. El Somnambulo says:

    Possible, but doubtful since the bulk of Sheldon’s current district is union-heavy. Keep in mind, however, that ALL the councilmanic districts must be redrawn to reflect the new population numbers and trends. There may only be room for one union-heavy district (the other being Reda’s) when the lines shift.

  5. rh says:

    While polling places remained the same, many ED’s were combined with others (in other districts) when reported. The district level view works when looking at trends throughout areas of the county overall – Brandywine Hundred, SNCCo, etc. However, if you want to determine strength within a specific RD (ie 21st), you need to look at the ED data. Even then is it muddied as ED’s are combined. Just looked at the 21st RD – 3 or 4 ED’s were either reported in other districts (ie 18th) or combined with data from another ED (ie 23rd).

    That said, as was mentioned previously, redistricting makes this somewhat moot.