Delaware Liberal


You know, maybe all this 2012 End Times talk was not far off the mark. So yesterday, I seen an article on the Huffington Post about the Earth getting two suns. One of my favorite “childhood” movies was 2010, the little known sequel to the classic “2001: A Space Odyssey.” In “2010,” the big black monolith was back, this time with a bunch of friends, and they all turned Jupiter into a star so that Europa, one of Jupiter’s many moons, would thaw and life could develop on it. Jupiter becoming a star would mean that Earth would have two suns, and that idea always fascinated me. What we call night on Earth would either be dramatically shortened or dramatically brightened.

And now it might actually happen. No, Jupiter is not going to explode and become a star, but a star very close to our solar system in the Orion constellation is about to go super nova. This star is so big already, the largest of the red super giants discovered, and so relatively close, that this massive explosion will actually appear to us on Earth as a second sun for a couple of weeks. So we will all get to experience what living in Alaska is like in the summer.

Dr. Brad Carter, Senior Lecturer of Physics at the University of Southern Queensland, says there’s really nothing to worry about, as us earthlings wouldn’t be harmed by the spectacular light show. He says, if the star does indeed go super-nova, Earth would be showered with harmless particles called nutrinos.

“They will flood through the Earth and bizarrely enough, even though the supernova we see visually will light up the night sky, 99 per cent of the energy in the supernova is released in these particles that will come through our bodies and through the Earth with absolutely no harm whatsoever.”

I disagree. These nutrinos will obviously destroy all life on earth, or move the continents as they did in the movie “2012.” Seriously, how does he know being flooded with nutrinos will not tranform the human race into some sort of mutant X-men or Incredible Hunk creatures? He doesn’t know, does he?

So for now, I am going with my HULK SMASH!!! theory.

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