Fun Stuff For A Cold Weekend

Filed in National by on January 22, 2011

I am not making these up.

Visit Reagan To The Rescue:

A photoblog dedicated to the fact that Ronald Reagan — and only Ronald Reagan — can solve any/all of our problems. It is well known that Ronald Reagan is a time traveler who once won a drinking contest versus Thor and Zeus and bedded Aphrodite and Helen of Troy– at the same time. He lives among us still, selectively solving problems. If shit is fucked up anywhere in the world, he knows about it and can solve it. If he’s not solving it, it’s because the solution is still trickling down. Be patient! This page is a tribute to American’s greatest undead deity. Please save us Reagan!

I think the url says it all:

Here’s a taste:

Reagan To The Rescue is parody. There’s no indication that Steampunk Palin is parody. It is gloriously insane.

From the Comics Alliance review of the comic:

That’s right. This book contains fifteen pages of story, followed by eight pages of pin-ups of Sarah Palin. If you actually felt a little sick start to crawl up the back of your throat when your first saw that, I can guarantee you weren’t the only one. And yes, they’re not kidding around with the pin-ups. But I will spare you that horror. For the moment.

And while I’m willing to believe this book when it tells me it’s trying to depict Sarah Palin, my response to the idea that it can be characterized as steampunk is more along the lines of “Hold on there.” Although to be fair to the book, Steampunk Palin defies classification into any literary genre, unless there’s a genre I’m unaware of simply called “WTF?!?”

That’s followed by the aforementioned pages upon pages of pin-ups, which continue the book’s cash-in on the fetishization of Sarah Palin, a phenomenon that continues to leave me baffled. Yes, if we’re limiting ourselves to the standards of “most physically attractive political figure,” I’m sure Sarah Palin does quite well. When she’s compared to the general population, I guess she looks pretty good for a woman in her mid-forties. But what crazy person imposes that first set of standards on themselves? “Oh I’m sorry, I can’t find someone sexually attractive unless they’ve gained a plurality of votes in an election for state or national office, so I’m ecstatic Palin came along. So long, Barbara Boxer!”

Go read the whole review to get the elements of the story. I believe they did just invent a new genre called WTF. Hopefully the sequel to the comic will have Steampunk Palin joining forces with Reagan To The Rescue to save the world from hippie menaces.

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About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (15)

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  1. You’re welcome or I’m sorry, whichever sentiments apply after reading this.

  2. jason330 says:

    Reagan is Jehovah and Palin is the man from Nazareth. It all makes perfect sense.

  3. reis says:

    You do have to concede that Palin is one of the more physically attractive politicians yet. Remember the old saying, “Politics is show-business for ugly people.” (no offense meant to any incumbent politicians reading this blog.)

  4. jason330 says:

    “You do have to concede that Palin is one of the more physically attractive politicians yet.”

    If your sexual preferences tend toward dumb-downed, porno movie stereotypes, you have to concede it. Otherwise, not so much.

  5. Physically attractive is an understatement, but we can go with that in the spirit of compromise. Next we will read that Churchill and King were pretty decent speakers.

  6. jason330 says:

    David, you go girl!

  7. Physically attractive is an understatement

    I think I just threw up a bit. I agree with the reviewer. She’s attractive enough for a woman nearing 50 but I don’t see the crazy attraction beyond that.

  8. Geezer says:

    It shouldn’t surprise anyone that the GOP, which skews heavily male, would fetishize an attractive woman. Bachmann benefits from the same dynamic. Like many narcissistic people, Palin also has charisma. Her popularity isn’t surprising — 30% of the public were Bush dead-enders. Why wouldn’t those same people love Palin?

  9. jason330 says:

    I used to agree with UI and , but since seeing the “I am the Real victim” speech, when I see Palin I think, “What a stinking pile of rotten meat.”

  10. jason330 says:

    Here is some more intertubes fun.

    It is childhood pictures of people placed next to older versions in similar poses. It sounds weird, but it is oddly compelling. click “next” instead of random.

  11. Aoine says:

    Thhis is the BEST IDEA yet:funny I got if off a right-wing website (Brietbart) – so fact check it first – LOL

  12. reis says:

    Attracted to dumb, pneumatic porno babes, Jason?

    Uh…. a little bit.

    And in reference to and relative to other politicians, quickly imagine Ruthy naked.

  13. jason330 says:

    The idea of boycotting Palin is pretty stupid. She is the consensus leader of the GOP and is running second in Iowa. f she says stupid shit constantly via twitter, that’s a story right?

  14. Ishmael says:

    “Stuff”, the official obama word of the week.

    make stuff
    sell stuff
    invent stuff