Delaware Liberal

Wednesday Open Thread

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. So, aren’t you glad you don’t live in Chicago about now? Aren’t you glad you’re not trying to travel anywhere? It’s a bit crazy out there? What’s on your mind besides the weather?

Stupidest.Health Care Reform.Protest.Ever

You know what the problem with the right to bear arms is? It’s not a requirement. Luckily, a few South Dakota lawmakers are hoping to change that with a law that would require anyone over 21 to buy a gun.

House Bill No. 1237, introduced today by Republican State Rep. Hal Wick of Sioux Falls, asks that

each citizen residing in the state of South Dakota who has attained the age of twenty-one years shall purchase or otherwise acquire a firearm suitable to their temperament, physical capacity, and personal preference sufficient to provide for their ordinary self-defense.

Yes, it’s supposed to be some kind of anti-mandate protest bill or something. Very logical an appropriate, of course. Stay classy, South Dakota Republicans!

Didn’t Helen Thomas get in trouble for saying something similar to this?

This week, Huckabee’s in Israel with right-wing actor Jon Voight — Republicans hate Hollywood, except when they don’t — announcing his opposition to the Middle East peace process.

Potential 2012 U.S. presidential candidate Mike Huckabee said Tuesday that if Palestinians want an independent state, they should seek it from Arabs — not Israel.

The evangelical minister and Fox News host said Jews should be allowed to settle anywhere throughout the biblical Land of Israel — an area that includes the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

He called the demand on Israel to give up land for peace an “unrealistic, unworkable and unreachable goal.”

It’s worth appreciating just how far from the mainstream Huckabee’s line really is. As Jon Chait noted, “Note that not even the Likud government opposes a Palestinian state in principle. If Huckabee sets the pace for defining what constitutes ‘pro-Israel’ in the 2012 GOP primary, we could be in for a race to the bottom.”

Remember how Huckabee’s supposed to be the good guy in the Republican race? Yeah, I don’t either.

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