Delaware Liberal

AIG Doesn’t Want Your Business

The CEO of welfare queen AIG had this to say:

American International Group’s mortgage insurer does more business in Republican-leaning states, where it signs up more reliable customers than those in “more liberal” areas, AIG chief executive Robert Benmosche said.

“All of the states where we’re a leader, where we’re the No. 1 insurer, are red states. All of the states where we’re at the bottom are blue states,” Benmosche said Tuesday at a conference in Washington. “Part of what we found out is that our model is about culture and it’s about the attitude in the public. And what we find is where there’s more of a tendency for people to be more liberal, more that the government is responsible for what happens to me.”

We won’t get a clearer signal than that, will we? AIG has contempt for Americans, even though we saved their asses. I hope we won’t make that mistake again. As Joan McCarter pointed out, perhaps AIG feels more in common with red states because they both accept a lot of government money redistributed from the blue states and like to pretend this is bootstraps.

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