Friday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 4, 2011

Welcome to your Friday open thread. Things are in a bit of chaos in the Radical Isotope family. Free Radical’s car is showing signs of imminent death and our house has an invasion of ceiling mice. It’s fun!

The chaos in Egypt has brought a case of the stupids to a lot of people. The latest victim is Kenneth Cole (fashion), who sent out the following tweet:

As you can well imagine, this did not go well for them. A few hours later they erased the tweet and had the following apology:

“I apologize to everyone who was offended by my insensitive tweet about the situation in Egypt. I’ve dedicated my life to raising awareness about serious social issues, and in hindsight my attempt at humor regarding a nation liberating themselves against oppression was poorly timed and absolutely inappropriate.”

*soapbox* I apologize to everyone who was offended

Can people learn how to friggin’ aplogize already? What happened to saying “I’m sorry, it was wrong?” Grrrrr….

*off soapbox*

Hahahahaha – Jon Huntsman pwnd.

Jon Huntsman doesn’t own his own domain name, and he also doesn’t own

Former DNC new media operative Matt Ortega does — and he’s already used it to install a screen-filling black-and-white photo of Huntsman, the ambassador to China, standing in front of President Barack Obama. Ortega’s goal: reminding the Republican primary voters who can’t stand Obama that Huntsman took a job working for him.

“For the last two years, Republicans have labeled the president a ‘socialist’ that is an ‘enemy of humanity’ with a ‘Kenyan anti-colonial worldview.’ So how can they nominate Obama’s ambassador?” Ortega told POLITICO in an e-mail.

Huntsman might as well join the GOP clown car. The field looks to be pretty weak and any Republican with a bit of sanity will probably either 1) lose badly or 2) renounce their sanity, thereby hurting their future chances.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

Comments (19)

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  1. cassandra m says:

    Chik-Fil-A sponsoring an anti-gay marriage group in PA.

    There’s a good deal at Good As You on Chik-fil-A and their anti-gay activities, but this post seems to sum it all up. For more, you can search on Chik-fil-A and see the rest there.

    If you are eating at Chik-fil-A — just stop.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    heheh, the Facebook has had boycott groups on this one for months…. try to keep up, adults. 🙂

  3. pandora says:

    Hmmm… at my house you’d be considered old, Ben. Me? I’m ancient!

  4. socialistic ben says:

    oh i’ve passed 21 long ago. In the age of MTV i should be put on an ice float and sent adrift.

  5. The Straight Scoop says:

    Should we start the stopwatch on how long until Fox Nation retracts or corrects this story?

  6. Joe Cass says:

    Thanks for the heads up cassandra, they were one of the few joints at the mall at which I ate; but by SB’s standards I’m late for the bus so if you’re not on board then you’re unnecessary for the fight against discrimination now. Clap once for facebook, clap twice for actually doing something to accomplish goals.

  7. jason330 says:

    “Obama was quoting from the New International Version, while Fox was pointing to the King James Version to “debunk” him.”

    How is it even possible that there are people who regard Fox News as a news program?

  8. jason330 says:

    That’s a lot of info, but I think the “LEGEND FOR CURRENT STATE ECONOMIC CLIMATE” should go from “Fabulous” to “OMFG HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!”

    Nomenclature is destiny.

  9. Obama2008 says:

    This is very useful. It’s good to see the stats all in one place.

    However, overall “economic climate” ratings are all bullshit. Large corporations are polar bears who like their climate cold. High unemployment means low labor costs. If you are staffing a Delaware call center, nothing warms your heart like a 9% unemployment rate in Delaware. Stock prices go up when you lay off a bunch of people.

    Low unemployment and plentiful jobs would be a bad climate for big business. Small business would like to see consumer confidence go up (which would correlate with low unemployment).

    I’d like to see the monthly Delaware foreclosure stats on there too, as well as trends in benefits (Medicaid, food stamps, etc).

  10. fightingbluehen says:

    The Department Of Homeland Security and ICE are shutting down sites that stream live sports in anticipation of the Super Bowl. Don’t they have more important things to do? Welcome to police state USA. What is Obama thinking?

  11. Obama2008 says:

    I’ve noticed DHS is turning up in all sorts of busts that don’t seem to have much to do with national security. I guess we now have a KGB.

  12. fightingbluehen says:

    I guess our borders are now secure, and the threat of terrorism is gone.

  13. cassandra m says:

    ICE = Immigration and Customs Enforcement

    Part of their job is intellectual property protection (that would be the Customs part).

  14. pandora says:

    the threat of terrorism is gone.

    The threat of terrorism will never be gone – such is the nature of terrorism.

    BTW, Santa and the Easter Bunny aren’t real.

  15. fightingbluehen says:

    homeland security? I feel much more secure now, knowing that people won’t be watching the Super Bowl on their laptops. Isn’t it great that homeland security is now using our resources to protect the profits of the NFL.
    Some liberals you guys turned out to be…lol

  16. cassandra_m says:

    Isn’t it great that homeland security is now using our resources to protect the profits of the NFL.

    That *is* the way it was set up — a thing that you and yours did alot of cheerleading for when BushCo was consolidating all of these agencies to one. Too bad that it is only now — when you can’t see your free Superbowl — that you can rouse yourself to care.

  17. fightingbluehen says:

    I was against the police state under Bush and I am still against it. As far as the Super Bowl goes, I’ll probably watch it on the internet anyway because the feds won’t be able to stop most of the streams. I could watch it on my TV but it’s more convenient on the laptop. And I figure I give the NFL enough money considering all the Eagles attire my son wears. The NFL is lucky we watch it at all.

  18. Geezer says:

    I’ll record the Super Bowl and skip the football so I can watch the ads.