Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread

Welcome to your Friday open thread. Things are in a bit of chaos in the Radical Isotope family. Free Radical’s car is showing signs of imminent death and our house has an invasion of ceiling mice. It’s fun!

The chaos in Egypt has brought a case of the stupids to a lot of people. The latest victim is Kenneth Cole (fashion), who sent out the following tweet:

As you can well imagine, this did not go well for them. A few hours later they erased the tweet and had the following apology:

“I apologize to everyone who was offended by my insensitive tweet about the situation in Egypt. I’ve dedicated my life to raising awareness about serious social issues, and in hindsight my attempt at humor regarding a nation liberating themselves against oppression was poorly timed and absolutely inappropriate.”

*soapbox* I apologize to everyone who was offended

Can people learn how to friggin’ aplogize already? What happened to saying “I’m sorry, it was wrong?” Grrrrr….

*off soapbox*

Hahahahaha – Jon Huntsman pwnd.

Jon Huntsman doesn’t own his own domain name, and he also doesn’t own

Former DNC new media operative Matt Ortega does — and he’s already used it to install a screen-filling black-and-white photo of Huntsman, the ambassador to China, standing in front of President Barack Obama. Ortega’s goal: reminding the Republican primary voters who can’t stand Obama that Huntsman took a job working for him.

“For the last two years, Republicans have labeled the president a ‘socialist’ that is an ‘enemy of humanity’ with a ‘Kenyan anti-colonial worldview.’ So how can they nominate Obama’s ambassador?” Ortega told POLITICO in an e-mail.

Huntsman might as well join the GOP clown car. The field looks to be pretty weak and any Republican with a bit of sanity will probably either 1) lose badly or 2) renounce their sanity, thereby hurting their future chances.

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