Delaware Liberal

How the World Sees Us

…at least via our right wingnut crazies.

This hit my mailbox ALOT over the past few days, and I cringed every time I saw it: Middle East unrest according to Glenn Beck and friends. The Guardian rounds up a the crazy, the stupid and the dangerous of the Wingnut-o-Sphere, and you should go over there to see it all. They’ve got audio and video clips as well as transcripts that they react to, this one on Glenn Beck’s (who thinks that Tunisia is our “Archduke Ferdinand moment”)new theory of the apocalypse:

To cut to the chase, a new caliphate will emerge in the Middle East and push further east until China, as Beck puts it, says “Knock it off guys” and takes over India, reaching some way into Pakistan. The caliphate will then push north, which is when it will absorb the UK:

What happens to the overwhelming radical population of the UK, of radical Islamicists. What happens? Do they just sit around on their hands or do they see an opportunity? When you take the Marxists and you combine them with the radical in Islam the whole world begins to implode

So there you have it, an “Archduke Ferdinand moment” which will split Europe, the Middle East and Asia into Chinese and radical Islamic zones. In the full Beck, he also introduces Bill Ayers (who Sarah Palin had in mind when she accused Barack Obama of “palling around with terrorists”), Hizbullah and Code Pink, a feminist antiwar group. But that’s enough for now.

Fox Noise seems to want to blame the ACA for the Egyptian uprising; Michael Savage repeats his bullshit about Obama being a part of radical Islam; Frank Gaffney claiming that the Muslim Brotherhood is already in the US government; and, of course, the chief idiot himself, Bill O’Reilly getting his OG conspiracies on by reaching back and dusting off the Domino Theory. Most appalling is this one, with a fake JFK voice calling for the impeachment of Obama:

It is appalling enough that these fools are making ALOT of money fearmongering and lying to their audiences without having the rest of the world judging us on the sheer prevalence of this kind of bullshit on our airwaves. The ironic thing is, that one of the persistent themes of these fraudsters is that somehow the world is losing respect for the US. If that it true, then these guys will need to answer for some of it.

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