Delaware Liberal

A New Front is Opened in the GOP’s War on Reason, Common Sense and (yes I am going there) Democracy

It is hard to wrap your head around what the GOP is thinking when it comes to waging war on Planned Parenthood, until you accept the reality that Republicans don’t care about anything other than making headlines and fucking shit up.

Gail Collins:

As if we didn’t have enough wars, the House of Representatives has declared one against Planned Parenthood.

Maybe it’s all part of a grand theme. Last month, they voted to repeal the health care law. This month, they’re going after an organization that provides millions of women with both family-planning services and basic health medical care, like pap smears and screening for diabetes, breast cancer, cervical cancer and sexually transmitted diseases.

Our legislative slogan for 2011: Let Them Use Leeches.

Now, it is tempting to point out that “basic health medical care, like pap smears and screening for diabetes” is good for society with a lot of downstream savings for taxpayers – but Republicans honestly don’t give a shit about that.

So what is next then? If you can’t have a conversation about Planned Parenthood that brings in facts and evidence, what is left? What is left for Democrats is to wake up to the fact that Republicans have opted out of the American experiment in Democracy. Our system depends on people of goodwill being willing to discuss issues and arrive at decisions through a sober review of the facts. Those decisions require compromise and, at times a willingness to accept that your ideas has been defeated.

Does that sound like the modern GOP to you? Democrats have the willingness to accept defeat down pat. We’ve over compensated in that area, while never addressing the core problem facing our age…. that a significant number of our fellow citizens have simply given up on democracy.

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