Wednesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on February 9, 2011

Welcome to your Wednesday open thread. It’s Wednesday, yup. How’s things in your part of Delaware? It’s cold here.

There’s so much wrong with this story. It sounds a little funny, but the lengths that some women will go through to meet some ideal of beauty is scary.

The Delaware County Medical Examiner’s Office is currently conducting an autopsy on a woman who may have died after receiving a buttocks enhancement procedure at a Philadelphia airport hotel.

Police said the incident happened around 2:46 a.m. at the Hampton Inn on Bartram Avenue, but offered few other immediate details.

An autopsy on the woman is expected to be completed later today. It’s unclear whether she was allegedly receiving buttocks implants or a series of silicone injections.

My condolences to her family.

This is interesting. The Chair of the Colorado GOP is not running for re-election because of the nuts.

“I have tired of those who are obsessed with seeing conspiracies around every corner and who have terribly misguided notions of what the role of the state party is while saying ‘uniting conservatives’ is all that is needed to win competitive races across the state,” Wadhams wrote in a memo to the Colorado Republican State Central Committee obtained by The Denver Post.

Wadhams oversaw Republican losses in both the Senate and gubernatorial races in Colorado last fall, races that the party could have conceivably won if the Tea Party-backed nominees in both races hadn’t committed some serious errors.

“I have loved being chairman, but I’m tired of the nuts who have no grasp of what the state party’s role is,” Wadhams told the Post.

Well he’s right that the candidates doomed their chances. Dan Maes, who warned us about the danger of abortion bikes, was one of my favorite nutty candidates.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. Obama2008 says:

    BREAKING: A Democratic Senator wants to fight the Republicans!

    “If the Republican Party doesn’t believe that 51 percent of America deserves equal rights in this country, they will have a fight from at least the people standing behind me and many, many more.”

    My heart overfloweth. I think I am going to cry like Boehner.

  2. anon says:

    Of course the only balls in the Senate are being sported by a woman. It’s about time Democrats showed up to the fight.

  3. Avagadro says:

    The end of the Blue Dogs?
    Hot Air – February 7, 2011 – Ed Morrissey

    Meet Ashley Bell, a young man who looked to have a bright future in the Democratic Party. Now he looks for a brighter future — as a Republican. The former national president of College Democrats of America has joined an exodus of moderates and conservatives from the Democratic Party in the South after the midterm elections:

    For Democrats, Ashley Bell was the kind of comer that a party builds a future on: A young African American lawyer, he served as president of the College Democrats of America, advised presidential candidateJohn Edwards and spoke at the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston.

    But after his party’s midterm beat-down in November, Bell, a commissioner in northern Georgia’s Hall County, jumped ship. He joined the Republicans.

    Bell, 30, said he had serious issues with the healthcare law and believed that conservative “blue dog” Democrats in Congress who shared his values had been bullied into voting for it.

    Bell’s defection is one of dozens by state and local Democratic officials in the Deep South in recent months that underscore Republicans’ continued consolidation of power in the region — a process that started with presidential politics but increasingly affects government down to the level of dogcatcher.

    The defections in Louisiana gave the GOP its first legislative majority in over a century. In Alabama and Texas, they created Republican supermajorities. The Democrats may have chosen Charlotte, North Carolina for their 2012 convention, but the South has increasingly become hostile territory to Democrats, as former Blue Dogs feel the party has become hostile to them.