Delaware Liberal

Will Ron Sams Be Voted Out On February 16th?

Looks like this might just happen.

As of February 3rd, “34 GOP Executive Committee members” had signed a petition asking Ron Sams to resign.  At the next GOP meeting (on February 16th) Ron Sams and the Vice Bryan Shupe will apparently not be present.  All interested parties may wish to attend to see what happens.  The word on the Internet is that there will be a motion for Ron Sams to be voted out whether he is there or not.

Personally, I think the “establishment” GOP leadership should just walk away.  Hand over control to the Ayotte and Knotts’ wing of the party, wait for them to crash and burn (which they will), and then step back in and pick up the pieces.

Let’s see if Ayotte and Knotts are as good at raising money as they are at shooting off their mouths.  This will be a spectacular Fail.  For the last several months this group has trashed the “cocktail party” elites of the GOP, basically telling them to take their views and shove it.  Perhaps they don’t realize there are checkbooks attached to those views.

And here’s another thing…

Spare me the “moderate” Republicans’ calls of outrage.  Spare me your defense of Sams, Ross, etc..  You guys are the ones who validated and embraced the Tea Party when they suited your purpose.  If they have pie-in-the-sky ambitions you put those thoughts in their tiny heads.  You were thrilled when they went after Commie Libs and the Kenyan Usurper.  This is your monster, Dr. Frankenstein.  You own this.

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