Delaware Liberal

Christine O’Donnell is Concerned, and is Issuing Orders

First off, I have seen no report that Ahmadinejad is “delighted” by this news. I have been watching both Al Jazeera, MSNBC and CNN all morning. I have been following my Google Reader feed all day, which alerts to blog and news posts from almost everywhere, and again, there has been no mention of Ahmadinejad’s reaction. I have heard that there are celebrations in the streets of Tunisia, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan and the West Bank. I would imagine that Ahmadinejad, like all autocrats and tyrants in the Middle East, is concerned. And rightfully so. If it could happen in Egypt, it can happen everywhere.

So my instinct is that Christine O’Donnell has once again created a falsehood to fit her concerns. Or perhaps she is just repeating a falsehood seen on right wing blogs.

But let’s, for the moment, assume that Ahmadinejad has let it be known that he is “delighted” with the revolution. Let’s examine, like thinking and intelligent people do, why Ahmadinejad would say that. Perhaps he is getting out in front and trying to diffuse any possible uprising in his own country? Indeed, given that the Iranian state media have been depicting the Egyptian uprising as a radical Islamist uprising, Ahmadinejad is obviously trying to depict events in Egypt as benefiting him and radical Islam.

However, as all evidence and all reporting have shown, the uprising in Egyptian has been secular. The people of Egypt have said themselves that they want democracy, not radical Islam. Christians and Muslims are protesting together in Tahrir Square, and Christians have protected Muslims during their daily prayers from Pro-Mubarak forces last week. Does Christine really think Christians want radical Islam? Really?

To borrow Christine’s style here, does it disturb anyone that Christine and Ahmadinejad both want this revolution to be seen as for radical Islam?

P.S. I love how Christine issues orders to the President. She really is a crazy witch.

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