Delaware Liberal

Forget Islamic Extremism, There is a New Life or Death Threat in Town

What is the biggest threat to restoring America to its Reagan era awesomeness? What threat eats away at our Toby Keith-like purity and goodness more than unmarried women having sex? What threat unites the craziest Republican teabag with the craziest Republican blue blood?

It is the devious and fully committed to evil….state worker.

I think that we all kind of know how evil state workers are. We know how committed the librarian at the public library to exposing your children to the word “tits” in the dictionary. Who among us has not met a public High School math teacher that is not a yellow fanged monster with a closet full of human heads?

Now Republicans like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker are here to let us know that STATE WORKERS not only indulge in overt acts of treason (like the guy who plowed Rt. 13 last weak in order to help usher in the ACORN/WeatherUnderground Caliphate), but they are using a secret means to undermine ‘Merica.

Their devious plan can be summed up in three words: “wanting” “to” “get” & “paid” Okay. Four words. But seriously, it is enough to make you puke isn’t it? Even here in Delaware we have STATE WORERS who have the nerve to want to get paid, when they know that every dollar paid to them is a dollar less in job creating tax cuts we can give to AstraZeneca executives.

Luckily, we have Republicans (along with some right thinking Democrats) who are willing to fight the STATE WORKER menace. We have Florida Governor, Rick Scott, who is attacking his state’s unemployment crisis by slashing 7 percent of the state’s government jobs. That’s is 6,700 state-worker on the street, and stripped of their power to wreck America.

It has to be the state workers who have caused this recession. Getting rid of them (while cutting taxes on the wealthiest, most job creating-est corporations and individuals) will fix everything.

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