Delaware Liberal

Money Wasting Bullshit & Hot Harpies of Doom

If trying to figure how to punish unmarried women for having sex is the number one preoccupation of dim witted Republicans, then concocting schemes to flush tax dollars down the toilet, and being enthralled by foxy babes who hate on Obama are each vying for second place.

In the money wasting bullshit category, this week’s entry is a South Carolina Republican legislator who wants to create a South Carolina currency. BRILLIANT!

In the hot female wingnuts category, we have CPAC speaker (ranter) and newly minted CNN contributor, Dana Loesch:

Loesch is the new breed, a Tea Party sex symbol in the mode of Sarah Palin but without the authentic life story. She’s cashing in and why not? It seems there’s an endless market for her hot brand of nastiness.

Poor Ann Coulter. She flew up and cracked the glass ceiling for shrieking right wing harpies everywhere and now she’s been tossed aside for a new generation of hateful wingnut welfare queens without any acknowledgment of her many years of service to the cause.

Looks like O’Donnell is yesterday’s news.

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