The Party of Lincoln No More

Filed in National by on February 13, 2011

We all know by now that the Nixon’s Southern Strategy began to lock up the South and all its baggage with the Republican Party. Paul Krugman notes that 40 years later,even  the Republican Party does not considers itself the Party of Lincoln.

But sooner or later, Republicans were bound to notice other reasons to disavow Lincoln. He was, after all, the first president to institute an income tax. And he was also the first president to issue a paper currency — the “greenback” — that wasn’t backed by gold or silver. “There is nothing more insidious that a country can do to its people than to debase its currency,” declared Representative Paul Ryan in one of two hearings Congress held on Wednesday on monetary policy. So much, then, for the Great Liberator.


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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. jason330 says:

    Also the civil war was about state’s rights (not slavery as lying college professors insist) and Robert Byrd was in the KKK, so Republicans are the party of civil rights.

  2. Peace Pansy says:

    These “know-nothings” who’ve gotten a foot-hold in our country because it suits the purposes of the global corporations of our oligarchy should be referred to as REGRESSIVES. As Mr. Krugman points out, they not only want to gut the New Deal, they want to take us back to antebellum standards.

    I think this is something all reasonable people should want to avoid. Even, perhaps, fear.

    Keep media free or else they’ve really gotten their way. They are like roaches, they fear the light of day.

  3. shoe throwing instructor says:

    If you even have to ask this question you are probably brain dead, the former party of Lincoln has been the party of Jefferson Davis since the 1960,s. Lyndon Johnson,s Great Society set that in stone, if you do not understand that, see your Neurologist post haste.

  4. Christian Liberal NY'er says:

    Correction: The Party of Stinkin’

  5. socialistic ben says:

    Peace Pansy, many of those you refer to ( i just call em TBags) proudly consider themselves Regressives… since ya know… progressivism is for queers.