Good Morning Delaware – February 14, 2011

Filed in National by on February 14, 2011

Tailgating before Church. That’s a new one. But Pastor Bill Schlonecker of the Bible Fellowship Church of Newark deserves credit. He’s being innovative and creative in making religion relevant in our cluttered world.

Two Sussex teens are charged with 16 buglaries of cars. Two other Sussex men charged with 60 break-ins. What is going on downstate? Don’t try to match Wilmington’s crime record! You’ll never win.

Proposed funding cuts hit home in Delaware, as they will in every state, just so a few billionaires can keep their money. Fuckers.

One of the reasons I oppose the death penalty in most cases is that it is not used properly. Look at Delaware’s death row. Several of the inmates have been sentenced to death since the Administration of George Bush. George H.W. Bush. 1992. If you are going to have it, use it as soon as it is legally permissible.

Medical Marijuana in Delaware? Hell Yes!

Rehoboth considers outdoor smoking ban. What’s next? Outer space?

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  1. Capt.Willard says:

    This Rehehoboth smoking ban: WTF
    I KNOW it’s a disgusting and highly unhealthy habit.
    BUT, I can STILL sing many of the jingles of SMOKING commercials from TV I saw as a lad.
    NICOTINE is more addictive than HEROIN!
    I avoid non-smokers when I lite up.
    I guess when it’s crowded in the Summer that’s hard or impossible.
    Yet, give me a break.
    The pollutants floating around our air aren’t even being considered in our do nothing about the air-quality congress!!!!

  2. socialistic ben says:

    know what would be a cruel twist of fate? We get a medical maryjane law like california’s…… but in rehobeth it falls under the smoking ban.

  3. meatball says:

    Rehoboth loves to write them $10 tickets. This will pass. Next up alkyhaul, personally, I find obnoxious drunks more bothersome.

  4. Obama2008 says:

    I think pot should be decriminalized but not by way of the medical marijuana circus. We already have “medical opiates” but you don’t see legal heroin shops springing up.

    Here’s the problem:

    The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services would issue medical marijuana user identification cards to residents whose physicians certify that the patient would receive a therapeutic or palliative benefit from marijuana.

    If pot has a medical use, do the studies and prove which ailments it is effective for. And then define what the on-label and off-label uses are for medical pot.

    As long as pot remains illegal, I think any medical marijuana use should be limited to uses where studies have proven it effective. With any drug you need to follow the science, not popular enthusiasm.

    I remember in the 1970s I started hearing about pot as useful for people who were experiencing chemo-induced nausea. Pot allowed them to eat and keep up strength during the treatments. If there are more uses, let’s do the studies and document them.

    Or just legalize pot the right way.

  5. Obama 2008 wrote:

    “The Delaware Department of Health and Social Services would issue medical marijuana user identification cards to residents whose physicians certify that the patient would receive a therapeutic or palliative benefit from marijuana.”

    I’ll leave it to Aretha to explain the upside of this approach:

  6. Obama2008 says:

    It’s funny, I had plenty of opportunity and even the inclination to enjoy marijuana… but I tried it and it’s just not my thing. I’ll let these lads explain:

    (not sure what is the current reputation of those artists, but this is the version I heard first and like best)

    Also, here is another version… a bit over-slick, but it looks like everyone was having a blast (also some new lyrics):

  7. Jason330 says:

    With beer available, I never understood smoking stuff.

  8. Obama2008 says:

    One’s preferred method of getting stupid is a highly individual choice. God Bless America.

    Joking aside, after I had rejected pot there was a time in my life I used pot to self-medicate for anxiety. I had an issue I just couldn’t deal with, and the booze was literally killing me. So I bought a joint, took two hits off it per night off and on for a week or so, and slept like a baby. I may be the only person in history to put out a joint in an ashtray.

  9. Capt.Willard says:

    I don’t know where you people are as far as heads are.
    But, the pot available now is really nice.Two really sweet hits are enough to relax and mellow you out.
    If you’re cool, then things will be cool.
    If you’re paranoid to begin with, stay straight and bail out the pot-heads who get busted.
    We bless you.

  10. cassandra m says:

    There has been some real research on the efficacy of inhaled MJ vs the synthetic cannibinoids. And there’s more where that came from — Google is your friend here. More research is needed, but is difficult to fund here. The big pharmas won’t get a slice of this revenue if it works and is made legal. And the regulatory hurdles to using the plant material are huge. But there is plenty of research that shows that MJ is about the equivalent of alcohol in terms of physical effects and risk. The problem isn’t that we don’t know enough about marijuana — it is about detaching it from its criminal sanctions.

  11. anon. says:

    Now there is a shortage of one of the drugs to execute death row inmates in Delaware according to the NJ? What do we use to euthanize dogs and cats in Delaware? Wouldn’t that be good enough?

  12. Delaware Libertarian says:

    I don’t get this, this state may be opening up on smoking one plant (marijuana), but is limiting smoking another plant (tobacco). What gives?

  13. Miscreant says:

    “Two Sussex teens are charged with 16 buglaries of cars. Two other Sussex men charged with 60 break-ins. What is going on downstate? Don’t try to match Wilmington’s crime record! You’ll never win.”

    Those are just the one’s DSP decided to release because they made arrests. There have been hundreds more since January. In November a thief was arrested after stealing $200 worth of metal from one of my properties. A neighbor saw them and called the police. They fled on foot when the police arrived, but they left their tools and truck behind. Slam dunk, right? Nope, DSP bungled the evidence.

    In late January our house was burglarized. DSP did some very cursory evidence work. And wrote it off. I did some more in-depth work that revealed some patterns, and a narrow proximity of where they lived. They weren’t very interested. I’m still discovering evidence as late as yesterday. I’m probably going to present it in writing a little further up the DSP food chain.

    Neither one of these cases were released to the media.