Delaware Liberal

THIS Investment Makes Sense

Buried in the Business Section of today’s News-Journal is, IMHO, a much better economic development engine than the one handed to the DuPont Company:

State economic development officials will announce plans today to grant $2.4 million to Johnson Controls Inc. to support a planned expansion in Middletown, where the Wisconsin-based company operates a battery production facility…According to town officials, Johnson will invest $70 million in the new facility and add 150 to 200 new jobs at the site, where the council already has voted to suspend property taxes for 10 years. Company officials said they could not comment on their plans this week.

Gov. Markell, Alan Levin, et al, deserve credit for this significant development.

I admit that I’m critical of the Governor when, IMHO, he deserves criticism. But those who who would argue that, by and large, he’s undeserving of credit for what I consider to be a pretty broad range of accomplishments, should give his record a second look. This is a win-win for everybody, especially for those who will fill these jobs. I don’t think there are a handful of governors in the country who could get something like this done.

Good work, Governor! Until the next time you piss me off…

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