Delaware Liberal

Wingnut Fundraising Email Sounds Too Much Like Parody of Wingnut Fundraising Email

I had to read the whole thing to figure out if this was real:

Dear Reader,

Bill O’Reilly was absolutely right last night.

As he said on his Fox News show the other night, the Democrats know that if they lose in Wisconsin and that if Gov. Scott Walker wins, it means that all across the country the public employee unions will finally have to give up their outrageous pay demands, lavish benefits and fat pensions.

These public employees flaunting their cell phones, and 2001 Toyota Camrys. It is sickening.

And, as Bill O’Reilly said, this will be bad news for the Democratic party which depends on these unions. Worse, he said, it is bad news for President Obama and his 2012 election plans, because he desperately needs these liberal unions to win re-election. This is why team Obama continues to throw everything but the kitchen sink at Governor Scott Walker. (snip)
You have to remember, this is not a local Wisconsin fight. It’s a national one. That’s why Obama has brought to Wisconsin the full weight of every radical activist group in America.

That team Obama. Has the world ever seen a more energetic leftists dynamo of evil? I mean, if “team Obama” throws more weight into this battle it is going to be like when Cuba, Nicaragua, and Russia teamed up on the feisty Wolverines in Red Dawn.

That’s why the Obama allied unions are pouring millions into TV and radio ads in Wisconsin.

Then it goes on to say that Norman Lear and Obama are spending like a trillion dollars to defeat freedom or some shit like that. It really did go on and on about how horribly organized, wealthy and effective the American left is… go figure. You’d think someone like me, who sorta pays attention to political stuff, would have heard about how fucking awesome the American “left” is.

Anyway, that’s why wingnuts are asked to give money to this “League of American Voters”

The League also led the fight to force Pres. Obama to renew the Bush tax cuts. Our national TV effort with Sen. Fred Thompson worked. Obama caved.

Now, the League has prepared a powerful new radio ad to air throughout Wisconsin in support of Gov. Walker. With your help we plan on exposing the Obama-Labor machine in ads across the nation. Our ad encourages Gov. Walker to stay strong and exposes how public employee unions are gouging the taxpayers.

We urgently need you to help the League in the vital effort to support Gov. Walker and expose the unions – Go Here Now

Help the League to end Big Labor’s ability to hold taxpayers, school students, and emergency services hostage to the lavish demands of public unions.

Governor Walker is under intense pressure. Team Obama wants to break him.

I think someone should read these wingnut fundraising emails to “team Obama” so that they know what their strategy looks like to the conservative base.

One Congressman who backs Obama even suggested violence is OK: “Every once and awhile you need to get out on the streets and get a little bloody when necessary.”

This is disgusting and this Congressman ought to be held accountable! But it underscores the truth, Obama and his public union cronies are desperate. They’ll do whatever it takes to keep power.

Uncontexualized quoting is fun! Let’s bring it home with a quote from the devil himself.

That’s why Obama says “Punish our enemies… Reward our friends”

But together, you and I can help Scott Walker do what’s right for Wisconsin — what’s right for America.

Help the League to support Gov. Scott Walker. Go Here Now

Yours for Freedom,

Bob Adams
Executive Director

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