David Anderson is Lying To Dover Voters

Filed in National by on March 2, 2011

Anderson’s campaign facebook page:

Affiliation: non partisan

Really David?

No mention of your work on the Glen Urquhart campaign? No mention that you are running HuckPAC in Delaware? No mention of the fact that you are a Republican?

While I can well understand why someone would want to cover that up, this facebook page is a lie. Lying is not a charge I throw around lightly, but Anderson lying is so obvious, someone has to call him out on it.

PS. He mentions that he is a Christian, and while I’ve never read any evidence of that on his blog, that is something he’ll have to sort out with Allah when the time comes.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (84)

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  1. Affiliation: Crazy

    I’m honestly so disappointed. Christine O’Donnell has tought us that it is never, ever, ok to lie. Not even to save Jews in hiding from the Gestapo. For shame David.

  2. pandora says:

    Wow! That is stunning!

    I’ve clicked the FB link, and visited his new site. Is there a reason he doesn’t mention what he does for a living? What does he do for a living?

    There doesn’t appear to be any party affiliation listed on his website either.

  3. Obama2008 says:

    It is misleading, but Dover City Council is one of those bodies that by design doesn’t recognize party affiliation:

    The City of Dover, Delaware, has operated under a modified Council-Manager form of government since 1929. Under this system, the Mayor and Council, nominated and elected by district by non-partisan vote, are policy makers.

    Perhaps he is not permitted to state a party affiliation – I don’t know. The Urq job is conspicuously missing from the list. But even so, reading through the list gives the basic idea.

  4. cassandra m says:

    The City of Dover election rules don’t apply to your Facebook page advertising your run for Council. Even if it did it doesn’t explain why he would omit his wingnut activities and affiliations.

  5. anon says:

    Definition of NONPARTISAN
    : not partisan; especially : free from party affiliation, bias, or designation

    Nuff said.

  6. I don’t blame him. Being a Republican in Delaware right now is pretty tough.

  7. MJ says:

    He’s a fraud and everyone knows it.

    When is the election? We should flood the Dover Post with letters exposing this fraud.

  8. jason330 says:

    The election is April 19th.

  9. heragain says:

    How about just opening another facebook page?

  10. Cpt Robespierre says:


    “I’m honestly so disappointed. Christine O’Donnell has tought us that it is never, ever, ok to lie. Not even to save Jews in hiding from the Gestapo. For shame David.”

    Thanks for the reminder of that. I needed a good chuckle right now.

  11. anon says:

    He comments under the name “Republican David.” Will he be changing that to “Non Partisan David” now?

  12. aoine says:

    Not only that but as a Christine supporter….who is a good catholic he should know the sin of “lying by omission” is a well-founded concept in the catholic church.
    But maybe like another good catholic, Machiavelli, je believes that the end justifies the means… Votes from God maybe….maybe he hears voices too…..

  13. do his plans to reach the Hispanic voters include a couple of guys, a pick up truck, and guns? That is the “Delaware Politics” way right?

  14. aoine says:

    Not sure warrior. But I will make sure they know about his blog and those comments.

  15. anon says:

    When he ran for Levy Court in 2008 his affiliation was listed as “Republican.”


  16. MJ says:

    Maybe his name on the ballot should appear as David “Pinnochio” Anderson.

  17. liberalgeek says:

    I believe that Levy court is a partisan elected office. Just like school boards, the Dover election, if it is non-partisan, probably prohibits the use of party affiliation in their literature.

  18. jason330 says:

    Levy Court is non partisan. I don’t know if the rules are similar to Dover City council.

  19. liberalgeek says:



    And I think you are wrong about the Levy court. The 2010 elections results have party designations listed.


  20. anon says:

    It doesn’t look like the “non partisan” thing prohibits Dover City Council members from being honest about their work history, one guy says he was a Minner/Markell appointee.

    Anderson’s last job was as Urquhart’s communications director, he is the current Delaware coordinator for the HuckPAC. The people of Dover have a right to know that Anderson is currently up to his eyeballs in right wing partisan politics.

  21. Avagadro says:

    Print the lie in the headline, ignore the correction on page 18

  22. jason330 says:

    Anderson knows that if word gets out that he is a Republican that he loses votes.

  23. Obama2008 says:

    Nearly every candidate for every office soft-peddles their party affiliation and leaves it off their signs and literature. I hate when Democrats do that. But stating you are “non-partisan” is something else. Unless it is a requirement of this particular election.

  24. anon says:

    He was on Urquhart’s payroll, he wasn’t a volunteer, he made over $5,000 over the course of about 2 1/2 months being the mouthpiece partisan right wing politics.


    He is the current coordinator for the HuckPAC. I’ll say it again, the people have a RIGHT to know that the resume he touts on facebook and on his website is missing his highly partisan affiliations. It is certainly a lie, especially in light of the biography of David Bonar, Dover City Council Member, who openly admits to being a Minner/Markell appointee.


  25. When last I cared to check Urkel’s schill was a committee person in the Kent County GOP.

  26. phil says:

    so what is his regular job?

  27. pandora says:

    I still can’t figure that out, Phil. Knowing what a candidate does for a living seems pretty basic – in fact, most tout their work experience as being an asset to the office they’re running for.

    Maybe Anderson is a male O’Donnell?

  28. heragain says:

    I like how neither “Bio” or “the plan” sections are filled out on his website. I guess he’s waiting for the survey results to see who he is.

  29. Newshound says:

    Do you really think that putting in ‘non-partisan’ as a political affiliation on Facebook is tantamount to some ridiculous lie?

    Since when did omission become ‘lying?’

  30. Aoine says:

    since he espoused Catholicism……lying by omission

    Since you are so widely read and so articulate I am surprised Newshound that you have not sniffed out the famous essay by Francis Bacon – the Art of Simulation and Dissimulation


    Mark Twain From his essay: “On the Decay of the Art of Lying

    Try reading them – you might learn something

  31. Aoine says:

    Lies of Omission:

    To lie by omission:
    is to remain silent and thereby withhold from someone else a vital piece (or pieces) of information. The silence is deceptive in that it gives a false impression to the person from whom the information was withheld. It subverts the truth; it is a way to manipulate someone into altering their behavior to suit the desire of the person who intentionally withheld the vital information; and, most importantly, it’s a gross violation of another person’s right of self-determination.

    so Newshound – we now know not only are you stupid, but you are ignorant as well – good for your credibility, would you not say??

  32. MJ says:

    NH – Delusional David is a fraud and he’s being exposed as the fraud he is. He’s a teabagging wing-nut.

  33. pandora says:

    Newshound, if a Delaware Liberal contributor ran for office and claimed to be unaffiliated politically, and didn’t mention their employment and working for a local and national Dem would you be defending them?

  34. Aoine says:

    Pandora – I think Newshound is off somewhere with their tail between their legs…maybe licking their balls…who knows?

    hopefully reading papal encyclicals, Francis Bacon or Mark Twain

    well, they would if they were smart – but that’s a fact not entered into evidence as of yet……

  35. Newshound says:

    I’m an equal opportunity issues/argument debater (or criticizer) I don’t consider party affiliation as nearly important as policy affiliation and character.

    Identifying Mr. Anderson’s party affiliation on a Facebook page is as about as prosaic as Bob Woodward’s lifting of a WaPo newspaper from the front of the Washington Post’s lobby without paying for it.

    Omg! We have an erudician in the house at DL. Si Anoine, yo hable espanol tambien. Y hablo otras idiomas como ustedes. Mi espanol no es muy bueno, pero, Tengo que espanol 40% de las tiempo en mi trabajo.

  36. Aoine says:

    its Aoine – I have no idea what “Anoine” is – as far as the rest of that last message – plz translate, Babelfish sucks

    BTW its – erudition – not erudician……grasshopper

  37. kavips says:

    Well, I don’t know. Despite all the quibbling back and forth, there seems to be a bigger issue here, of major historical significance..

    First of all, visit the site and look at his profile picture… He’s up against a wall… That’s the first clue…

    Secondly… if you used to be a Republican, and that party got dissolved, and you didn’t consider yourself a Democrat, how would you list yourself? Remember, you’re seeking votes.. as an “EX” Republican?

    Thirdly, this is a sign that Copeland and Ross ran the Republican party into the ground so hard, it is buried six feet under….

    Fourthly, as a historian interested enough in how a party dies, so I could for similar symptoms with the death of the Republican party, I’ve actually looked back to see how former Federalists and former Whigs classified themselves when their parties were sputtering… For the most part, they ran as non affiliates…

    I think we can bury the Republican party in Delaware. Yes, nationally they have a House… and made gains in the Senate… But… in Delaware, they don’t amount to much… So, …

    The next great question to ponder is: Why did Delaware buck the national trend? What are they doing differently?

    I think the answer stares back at us every time we visit one of these sites… Here, we live off… ideas… Our state is so small, we have no television, we are all unified at vilifying Ron Williams who has come to personify ( probably not fairly) the News Journal, so we look to blogs for guidance. And no one blog is really better than another… This one has a plethora of good writers, so the chances of seeing something exciting, are higher here than elsewhere… And we hear the arguments from both sides….

    And here is what I think is important: when you hear republican ideas stacked up against logic, they fall flat. When you hear republican ideas stacked up against those of democrats, unless you are in the top 1% income bracket, they seem self serving just to that 1%, and hurtful to us….

    So I think, the challenge is for Democrats to figure out how to get their ideas into American Red Zones. If they can do as we did here in Delaware, create a forum free of corporate influence, where both sides can banter back and forth, those ideas that are Democratic and solid, can move forward to make our nation better. And the opposite is true as well: those ideas that are Republican and solid, can also move forward to do the same… But for both of those to happen, you have to have communication.. And where over 80% of our state officials read these blogs, and the other 20% have to listen to that 80% the next morning… we have that here….

    I know it’s a lot to pull out of a former candidate running as a non affiliate….

    But then again…. re-heating my coffee by pushing a button and waiting for the timer to go off, only came about because one man wondered what it would look like if someone fell off a cliff and threw a ball up in the air as they were falling……

  38. Aoine says:

    Open note to the Folks that run this Blog: Cass, Pandora, Liberalgeek, Deldem, MJ, Jason et al

    I would like to let you in on Newshounds message to me, for my mono-lingual friends:

    Si Anoine, yo hable espanol tambien. – Yes, Anoine, I speak Spanish as well…

    Y hablo otras idiomas como ustedes. – And I speak other languages like you.

    Mi espanol no es muy bueno, pero, Tengo que espanol 40% de las tiempo en mi trabajo – My Spanish is not very good, but, I have that spanish 40% of the times in (at) my work.

    Is Newshound trying to “out” someone?? I leave it to you all to decide.

    Newshound – DL is full of contributors that are very intelligent and well-educated people. With opinions backed up by facts, not just misinformtion. This is not the seedy, under-belly of hypocritical society found at DP. They “out” folks over there, if that is your game, tuck your tail and go back where you came from – because that nonsense will not be tolerated here.

  39. skippertee says:

    Oral Roberts University. Cracks me up every time. Is that where they learn’d you to kneel and bob, David?

  40. Newshound says:

    “BTW its – erudition – not erudician……grasshopper”

    Must’ve had to look up erudite to find out the spelling error. If you were to spend one second searching for spelling errors on DL, you’d have the start of a good cottage industry and/or small business.

    I use the underappreciated word ‘erudite’ maybe twice a year. You got the gist. You’re really stretching now.

    “Is Newshound trying to “out” someone?? I leave it to you all to decide.”

    What!? I actually made a grammatical mistake or two in my Spanish missive. As I said, my Spanish writing is a little weak (mainly verb tenses). I meant to say: ‘Tengo que hablar espanol 40%…’ = I have to speak Spanish 40% of the time….at my job.

    Certainly and by all means, ban me for my personal thoughts that are antithetical to yours or others on here. You personally attacked me awhile back and made some flippant remark in Spanish. Thus, I merely wanted people to see (like what the News Journal just reported in yesterday’s paper concerning the U.S. Census data that the Hispanic population has grown immensely in Delaware since 2000, and therefore, MANY people speak Spanish as well as other languages besides Aoine).

    Really? Anoine v. Aoine. There’s like 4 or 5 closely-related names on here like anon, anon1, aoine, etc. How can I ‘out’ a pseudonym?

  41. Obama2008 says:

    Newshound coined a word. I like it. You all just lack imagination.

    A mathematician studies mathematics.
    An erudician studies eruditics.

    And before you start, “eruditics” is a perfectly cromulent word.

  42. Aoine says:

    nice attempt at “walking back” but its an epic fail – bullshit actually – you are very bad at spin.

    and BTW Newshound – “‘Tengo que hablar espanol 40%”…is not correct
    nor is the use of “ustedes” when you are addresing an individual formally – so your many maistakes are WAY beyond verb tenses…if you speak Spanish they way you write it I am sure you get a lot of funny looks.

    Personal attacks are allowed in here – especially when you open yourself up with foolish remarks – attempts to “out” are not. no me conoces, no me entiendes, nunca puede y usted lo quiere, jajajaja.

    you had to use “babelfish”, I can tell when someone uses it, its obvious to native speakers of another language and I did not have to look up “erudite” as its already in my lexicon.

    you have been intellectully spanked on here several times – by Cassandra, by Pandora and by me – remember the Moody’s debacle just the other day?

    and Obama2008 – ROTFLMAO – loved your comment – maybe Newshound is a Palin wanna be??

    PS – I am easily the worst speller in here (it really is my inability to type) – that was not the point – the point was the meaning of the word and your inability to use it correctly. You are the one who is stretching….well stay in here you might learn something….grasshopper

  43. Aoine says:

    actually – here’s a free Spanish lesson for you:

    you can not translate English to Spanish directly – there are many verbs we use in English that are not used the same way in Spanish

    Tenir – to use, is one of those – in English we would say “I have to speak Spanish” meaning, “I must speak” or “I need to speak”…

    a Spanish speaker would never use TENIR in this fashion because it means “to have” as in “to own or to possess something”. The proper verb would be MANDAR (to mandate,to command, to be made to do something) “mande hablar espanol 40% de mi tiempo a mi trabjo”

    This is very similar to our use of the verb “to do” – in Spanish it is HACER, which can indicate that one is doing or making something. we would say “do you want milk?” in Spanish it is only “quiere leche?” we translate that as “do you want milk” but actually it is simply “want milk?” or “que haces?” this can mean “what are you doing?” but HACER can be doing or making as I pointed out already.

    So, seeing as you have lost 80% of your income lately – spend your time learning another language (Spanish is best) as you reported the population has grown considerably in Delaware – become bi-lingual and you will be even more employable! instead of wasting all your time posting in here.

  44. Newshound says:

    “no me conoces, no me entiendes, nunca puede y usted lo quiere, jajajaja.”

    Let’s see if I can translate. ‘you don’t know me, you don’t understand me, and you are unable to or you will never want to.’ I don’t know what the jajajaja means. I assume, yada, yada, yada.

    Excuse me Aoine while I remove the heavy film of condescension from my body that was hurled at me. Thanks for the lesson. I’ve been practicing all forms of Spanish for years (especially speaking, which I find the most difficult).

    Btw, you got the gist of my message en espanol very well. In fact you had no trouble understanding me. I think getting one’s message across is far more important than being perfectly correct. At least I strive to get better.

    I have two supervisors (one from El Salvador, the other from Puerto Rico) who teach me a lot. I also understand a lot of the unique language subtleties (sp?) of Peru, Venezuela, Brazil (Portuguese) and Spain (Castillian).

    “instead of wasting all your time posting in here. Wow. Lo siento si que estoy tu mas differente. I’m sure i F#@&^! that up, but you know what I mean.

  45. pandora says:

    I must be crazy to walk into this, but… I think it’s pretty cool that NH is open to learning other languages.


  46. Aoine says:

    @Pandora – I agree, so my Spanish lesson was heartfelt and sincere as was the suggestion…

    I actually meant it…

    You haven;t waded into anything 🙂

  47. Aoine says:

    @Newshound – JAJAJAJA is HAHAHAHAH

    the J has the sound HOTA – as you know J is pronounced like our H

    so hahahaha is written jajajaja

    it does not mean jadda jadda – there was no slam there.

    I’m willing to teach you or point out mistakes in grammer not to show you up, but if you really want to learn, to help you

    where we differ will be politics and outlook – not your desire to learn a languge

    that I will applaud.

  48. Aoine says:

    @Newshound – be careful with some of the “expressive” words, as you may know what is not a bad word in El Salvador will get you in big trouble in Puerto Rico and visa versa

    Bueno Suerte! con esto

    and yes, you messed your last sentance up, but at least you tried.

    Lo siento- -use this for an emotion – like someone has a tragedy – thats when you say Lo Siento – I’m sorry – because you feel sorrow for them (I don’t think you feel sorrow for me)
    your use was a little more “sarcastic?” so one would say “Discuple”..”Excuse me” more like

    I think you said – “Excuse me that we are very different?” the gist was there

    Disculpe si somos mas diferente – Excuse me if we are very different

    somos = we are plural form of estoy

  49. Von Cracker says:

    Using the first person of the verb necesitar, would of cut this while thing off at the pass, claro!

    Talking like this is gonna scare off a ton of blue-hair rush listeners that troll around here! 😉

  50. Aoine says:

    LOL – necesitar would work too – but mandar is better

    scaring off the Rush listeners would be a plus tho

  51. Newshound says:

    The hardest part for me is changing tenses (past, present future, etc and combining it with the proper pronoun (in front of the verb) – the inverse thing). Sentences like, the girl has black hair is mostly easy because it’s straightforward, but not always. La pelo de las chica es negro. OR Las chica tienes pelo negro.

    I generally wing it. But I am able to read Spanish extremely well. Writing it is the second easiest thing for me to do. Speaking or listening to Spanish is the most difficult thing for me.

    When one of my bi-lingual supervisors is not at work, I sometimes had to do actual employee performance evaluations in Spanish only. It took longer, but they got the message. My Spanish vocab is very good.

    Yeah, I know all about the differences btw Puerto Rican, Mexican and other dialectical words in Spanish that have different meanings in different cultures. Like: cabron. It’s a fun-loving word for mexicans, but for puerto ricans…..Dios Mio!

  52. skippertee says:

    I’m of the school where if you speak English slowly,clearly and loudly to anyone they should understand.
    You know, the Ugly American school for total tools.

  53. Aoine says:

    @ Newshound – LOL – DETANTE!! Good for you trying to learn it!!

    its way better to construct your sentances like so: Person, verb, noun, adjective…it is easier for beginners and you won’t trip up on the verbs to be, soy and estoy

    Las chica tienes pelo negro. – “Las” indicates plural – so it would be ‘Las chicas’. if you meant singular then it is ‘La chica’

    just work on the present tense first,we know what you’re saying – you can then go to the present progressive, which is the “I am going to….”

    “I am going to eat” – “me voy a comer” – its all about putting the proper form of the verb “to go” (the irregular verb “ir”) immediately before the infinitive form of the second verb (whatever action ) and VOILA! you have a form of the future that is easy!

    Listen to the music, and the news casts – the annunciation is excellent and try to repeat the words

    Most of all, don’t give up!! its is very rewarding…

    @skippertee: LOL – i see that all the time and just roll laughing – two universally understood languages – money and food!! just rub your tummy and pat your head…you’re not a tool..

  54. Aoine says:

    Oh and Pelo is masculine so its EL pelo….but there are irrgular ones like el agua…it will come

    for everyone else at DL….I’m gonna start charging for lessons – seriously tho – thanks for the ability to reach an accord in here – go off subject – and teach a little..

    wouldn’t be allowed on DP – I would be BANNED for not speaking the native Language and going off thread – see, you are more tolerant!

  55. skippertee says:

    I really need to learn the Spanish dialect used in Costa Rica.
    Last night I dreamed of Tambor and the 100 fathom line only a mile off-shore.The little church in town was a pastel aqua color and the people went there every Sunday although a priest was only available to say Mass once every couple of months.They didn’t care.

  56. Fay Voshell says:

    Traditionally, Dover city council elections are nonpartisan and the party affiliation of candidates for office, also traditionally, is not designated.

    Here are a few references:



    From the article immediately above: “Hutchison is the third candidate to file for the non-partisan city elections, joining 3rd District candidate Pastor Howard Earle and 2nd District candidate William F. Hare.”

    And one more:


    I hope this clarifies matters.


    Fay Voshell

  57. Fay Voshell says:

    Jason, I posted some references concerning the nonpartisan Dover City Council elections, and my comment is awaiting moderation. If you could post the comments, I would be grateful.


  58. MJ says:

    Fay – thanks for the info, but the fact is Delusional David is a wingnut, teabagging REPUBLICAN and he has decided to delete all references to this from his website and Facebook page because he knows that it will cost him votes. It doesn’t matter whether the election is non-partisan or not. I’ve lived in cities where the municipal elections are non-partisan, but have never seen anyone run away from their political party affiliation the way he has. It’s fraudulent.

  59. Fay Voshell says:

    Well, David is a friend of mine and I believe him to be a man of great integrity. I think he is probably doing what most of us here in my neighborhood of Trinity vicinity do; namely, address problems and find solutions which are characterized as nonpartisan; that is as neither Republican or Democrat, but as pragmatic. For instance, the “brown water” problem in Dover, afflicts both Republicans and Democrats much as crime afflicts my neighborhood. The criminals don’t seem to differentiate among Dems,Republicans or Independents. 😉

  60. pandora says:

    All communities do that, Fay. I’m in the Triangle, but I’ll admit that I grow tired of certain neighbors using the community forum as their political blog.

    The problem I have with David is not his integrity. It’s his presenting himself as non-political. IMO, he should be proud of his work on the Urquhart campaign and HuckPac. And while it may be the norm for this office to claim non-affiliation, leaving these accomplishments (and I assume he’d view these as accomplishments) off of his resume is confusing and, imo, deceiving.

    No one who has read anything he has written would question his ideological stance. Why is he hiding it? And, yes, he is burying this. Again… why?

    BTW, do you know what he does for a living?

  61. Fay Voshell says:

    Perhaps you could contact David and ask him to contribute an answer.

    Off the top of my head, I’d say everyone of us tailors resumes according to the perceived needs of the job. I suspect that is what David might be doing. I know I do it all the itme. For instance, if someone is looking for a lyric/spinto/verging on dramatic soprano, I put in my experience as a musician because that is what is pertinent. I leave out the other stuff.

    But David can speak for himself.

  62. jason330 says:

    Really? I asked him to clear this up on my podcast and he turned me down cold. WHAT IS HE HIDING?

  63. So tailoring your resume for a political office involves scrubbing it of any mention of your political involvement or activities?

    George Orwell would be pleased with your mastery of Newspeak Ms. Voshell!

  64. Fay Voshell says:

    Well, Jason. I hope you don’t take this personally, but may I be quite frank with you? If I were in David’s shoes and knew how much someone excoriated and vilified me; well,I, too, might be a bit disinclined to cooperate. I would imagine he would look forward to an interview with you with about as much joy and anticipation as Christians going to encounter Nero’s gladiators. 🙂

    But seriously, no hard feelings.

    Maybe he’d be willing to issue a written statement.

    Ask him.



  65. pandora says:

    Do Republicans ever tire of the victim role?

    David has had no problem “excoriating and vilifying” commie libs and associating liberals with pedophiles. If he wants to keep certain aspects of his life private… too late. The voters have a right to know David Anderson, not just his sanitized version of himself.

    Again, if this was a DL contributor running for office, Fay would be the first one to throw us to the lions.

    No hard feelings, Fay.

  66. Fay Voshell says:

    “Fay would be the first one to throw us to the lions.”

    Gladly. Just kidding. 😉

    Ciao, all.

  67. Geezer says:

    He has no problem volunteering information on lots of other topics on this blog, either.

  68. anon says:

    No surprise that Fay is out shoveling the bullshit for Anderson. Nothing that Fay said changes the FACT that Anderson omits his current job as the Delaware Coordinator for the HuckPAC and his very recent paying job as Glen Urquhart’s communications director from his resume.

    The “non partisan” excuse doesn’t hold water when it comes to Dover City Council Member’s resumes, as I posted before David Bonar openly says he was a Minner/Markell appointee. Let me post it again for the slow people like Fay who just don’t get it, or more likely don’t care about the truth.


    David Anderson is lying about his work history because he knows that his work for Urquhart and Huckabee would make the average City of Dover voter puke.

    I think the people of Dover have a right to know the truth, something that the Fay’s and the David’s wouldn’t recognize if it flew up their asses.

    One more thing, Anderson threw his credibility and DelawarePolitics credibility out of the window during the 2010 campaign. He’ll fit in nicely in Hell.

  69. phil says:

    So, Fay, what is David’s normal job?

  70. Fay Voshell says:


    I notice not a single poster on this thread uses his/her full real name. That’s telling, as anonymity is usually the coward’s refuge, a wall behind which he/she can hide while hurling epithets.

    Anon, I offer you a challenge: Meet me face to face and tell me to my face,

    “I think the people of Dover have a right to know the truth, something that the Fay’s and the David’s wouldn’t recognize if it flew up their asses.”

    And: “Fay is out shoveling the bullshit.”

    And: “slow people like Fay.”


    Fay Voshell

  71. Jason330 says:

    Cmon Faye , what is the big secret? What does David do to earn money?

  72. pandora says:

    I would be happy to meet with you, Fay. You can email me at pandora@delawareliberal.net to set up a time and place.

  73. Aoine says:

    as would I too, Faye – I dont buy the “you are a coward if you post anonymously” baloney, That is a DP thing – not a DL thing – they have their reasons for outting folks and its not a benign one, either.

    There are many good folks in here – most I agree with some I dont, and thats OK too – and sure we get raucus as well, including me.

    But when one is threatened or harassed by the crazies, as has happened to poeple in here (regardless of side) one takes wise, precautionaly steps in this day and age of extremeists, and to post anonymously is only wise, not cowardly at all…

    – Pandora can let me know if its ok with her

  74. Aoine says:

    WEll well especially Faye – Please see this post by RICK on DP:


    comment #26

    “Historically, the average Latino is a pawn, with an affinity for the false pie-in-the-sky promises of Socialism- see Castro, Chavez, Morales and so on. In L.A., the backward south-of-the-border political culture prevails. And it always results in the ‘equality’ of everyone being equally miserable, Latin America being generally an extant example.

    I dont belive the Latino community will take kindly to that comment….so now we know how at least one poster at DP see the Latino community – wont do much for their Minority outreach program,

    especially given the new census figures that have come out on the rise of the Latino community in Delaware. –

    I think DE just went deep indigo blue….

  75. Fay Voshell says:

    Pandora and Aoine/apo Wichiapi/ Laffter: (Sorry Apo. Your writing style is really pronounced. 🙂

    I did not address you.

    My challenge is to Anon, as he is the most egregious offender.

    Best to all,


    P.S. Anonymity is cowardly regardless of how you try to spin it.

  76. pandora says:

    So… you won’t meet with me even though I asked basically the same questions as anon? My tone may have been different, but the questions are the same.

    Three guesses as to who else is cowardly.

  77. Aoine says:

    @Pandora = no surprises there – what and who else is she babbeling about?

    Maybe I am Anon, Anon1, anon2 etc…as well, the paranoia is over the top, and really scary…..

    I suppose we know who the coward is now

  78. Aoine says:

    Anon is a he – really Faye???

    regardless of what Faye says, David Anderson is well known in DOver – he has lost before and will loose again, He is a non-starter

    I have been doing a little asking round and they are well acquainted with him and the tool he is

    no chance he can win – they dont want that trouble in Dover

    Sorry Faye {-)

  79. anon says:

    Notice how you hit Fay with the truth, the TRUTH being that Dover City Council candidates and members do, in fact, list their political work on their bios, (except for David Anderson who knows that his political work will sink him in Dover), and the response is crying about people being “anonymous” instead of addressing the TRUTH. Hey Fay, fuck you. You’ve been proved wrong. Now go cry to your right wing freak show at DP.

  80. Aoine says:

    gee, Fay – I’m wondering: does your comment

    “P.S. Anonymity is cowardly regardless of how you try to spin it.”

    also apply to Doug Campbell – you know… your FB buddy, erstwhile candidate, and convicted criminal from North Carolina, when he posts his “secretely recorded” videos on YOUTUBE under the psudonmym ‘WilliamDawesinDE’?

    Just wondering you how would spin that one? Just asking….

  81. Aoine says:

    @anon – wonder what she has to say now???? LOLOLOL

    they hate being shown up for the liars and hypocrites they really are

    and its so easy to do as well

    despite trying to deflect the issue with non-issues, like poster names, and anonymous posters, etc

    my parents always told me: “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” – that and: “lay down with dogs, get up with fleas” – I suppose she scratches a lot, if that’s the case………..

    bottom line – what a nut job.

  82. anon says:

    I have no more patience left for people like Fay. They ignore the truth and relentlessly defend liars like Republican David and Christine O’Donnell, but they won’t defend a teenage girl who wants an abortion after being raped by her uncle.

  83. Geezer says:

    What’s cowardly is that she’ll no longer respond to me because I called out her lies in a post where she claimed that public employee unions were linked to organized crime.

    She’s the worst kind of coward, hiding behind the cross.

  84. Aoine says:

    @anon and geezer – she refuses to respond to anyone who calls her out and /or challenges her

    she tosses her nose up in the air with all the rightousness of a true hypocrite and yes, you are right hides behind her cross

    she rants and raves about ABORTION – bangs her drum of indignation and proclaimed christianity and lies and lies and lies,without ever producing a solution for the 16 year old raped by her uncle.

    Wonder how many crack-babies she has held, or comforted, or fostered or adopted?

    yet she hangs out with people that are known criminals (I suppose thats OK if they are “christians”) yet, would demonize others for not agreeing with her.

    yep, she hides behind her cross, but would never be willing to climb up on one….

    She is the quintessential example of what is wrong with the Extreme right-wing, t-bagging, 9/12 idiots…because she is not even someone the Republicans want to own.