Perhaps Huckabee Should Stop Talking?

Filed in National by on March 4, 2011

Have you ever heard of the first rule of digging holes? The rule states that if you find yourself in a hole – stop digging. Mike Huckabee should study this rule. He’s been on a rampage of silliness lately. He talked about Obama’s childhood in Kenya (false), learning from his grandfather and father (false) to hate British colonialism (Huckabee is pro-British imperialism?). Then he clarified that he meant Indonesia (the Indonesian Mau Mau rebellion) but Obama is still anti-American. Now he has a new target:

In a radio appearance on Monday, Mike Huckabee attacked actress Natalie Portman for having a child “out of wedlock.” Huckabee said that it’s “troubling” to see people like “Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, ‘Hey look, you know, we’re having children, we’re not married, but we’re having these children, and they’re doing just fine.'” Huckabee added that “it’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock.”  

Huckabee’s remarks came in response to radio host Michael Medved, who discussed Portman’s Academy Awards speech last Sunday. During her speech, Portman thanked fiancé Benjamin Millepied, “who choreographed the film, and has now given me my most important role of my life.” Medved said that Millepied “didn’t give her the most wonderful gift, which would be a wedding ring! And it just seems to me that sending that kind of message is problematic.”

Yep, that little lady should get married and go back into the kitchen, the slut. Thanks, Mike Huckabee, for reminding everyone you’re just another theocratic culture warrior.

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Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. The Straight Scoop says:

    Apparently, Huckabee has never heard of Bristol Palin.

  2. pandora says:

    I’m thinking that Huckabee is more interested in selling his book than running for President. Add another grifter to the list.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    bristol WANTED to get married… but that dirty liberal Levi (probably a secret jew) wouldnt do the right thing.

  4. skippertee says:

    Again, a once “reasonable” voice of the social conservatives toadying up to the TEABAGGERS. Just pathetic.
    This man was a preacher.He studied the Bible.
    Was it Anton La Vey’s?

  5. liberalgeek says:

    OK, maybe I’m stupid, but is there anyone that would expect a Republican or a minister to say anything different?

    At least Huck is making this point with a real person instead of a fictional character.

  6. jason330 says:

    Hucka-BEAST is playing for keeps bitches!! He knows exactly what he is doing with these recent quotes. The Kenya thing is a dog whistle to the GOP base and this shot across Palin’s bow is a signal that he is going to go after her inbred hillbilly ethics problems.

    It. is. on.

  7. pandora says:

    OMG. LG! Murphy Brown reference ftw!

  8. Von Cracker says:

    Huckalipids should be more worried about what his morbidly overweight sons do to defenseless animals, and how that reflects on him as a parent, than what some actress does.

  9. jason330 says:

    When I let my thoughts drift and try to create a mental picture of “Who is ruining America?” I don’t picture Portman. I picture someone like this person: Just drink in the smug horribleness.


  10. Von Cracker says:

    Thanks, Joe!

  11. Von Cracker says:

    The baggers do come up with some stupid shit, don’t they?

    That bird is a walking cliche. Only thing missing in that photo is a crown of thorns, or maybe a burning cross.

  12. anon says:

    The teabaggers have their marching orders, they will lie, cheat and steal to get into office. Huckabee knew exactly what he was saying, and if we learned anything from the moral majority wannabees in 2010 it is that it doesn’t matter whether or not what they say is true, all that matters is that it was SAID. Once it’s SAID, it will become the teabagger’s mantra.

  13. MJ says:

    Yes, Pandora. This is his Murphy Brown moment. I wonder if Huck knows how to spell potato correctly?

  14. Geezer says:

    Off-topic, but: “The rule states that if you find yourself in a hole – stop digging.”

    This bit of conventional wisdom is just as wrong as the one that says a frog will stay in a pot of boiling water if you just turn up the heat slowly. It won’t. And if you stop digging, you’re not going to get out of the hole without help. Should you find yourself in a hole with nobody around, the proper way to get out is to keep digging, but use the loose dirt to build a ramp so you can climb out.

    Carry on.

  15. heragain says:

    But the kid made Eagle Scout!

    Which, in a discriminatory organization now thoroughly dominated by Mormons, is now an event similar to your first Pointy hood.

  16. Jason330 says:

    If you find yourself in a hole… try laying off the booze.

  17. cassandra m says:

    If you find yourself in a hole…’ve probably blown up the meth lab.

  18. jason330 says:

    I want to vote for that one! We need a voting thingy on this site. Liberalgeek, get on that.

  19. jason330 says:

    If you find yourself in a hole… say hello to Dick Cheney for me.

  20. skippertee says:

    I ran night ops with Billy deLuca [yea,his brother] at Rodney against other troops.But messin’ with animals? Wow, that is beyond the pale for a scout.