Weekend Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 5, 2011

Welcome to your weekend open thread. Looks like it will be another great weekend! I hope you’re all having an enjoyable weekend. What’s happening in your part of the world?

OMG Fox News was right! There are palm trees in Wisconsin.

That will teach you to doubt Fox News’s impartiality.

Are you the least bit surprised to learn that Premier Radio Network has a stable of actors to call into it’s radio shows?

But what exactly was the work? The question popped up during the audition and was explained, the actor said, clearly and simply: If he passed the audition, he would be invited periodically to call in to various talk shows and recite various scenarios that made for interesting radio. He would never be identified as an actor, and his scenarios would never be identified as fabricated—which they always were.

“I was surprised that it seemed so open,” the actor told me in an interview. “There was really no pretense of covering it up.”

Curious, the actor did some snooping and learned that Premiere On Call was a service offered by Premiere Radio Networks, the largest syndication company in the United States and a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications, the entertainment and advertising giant. Premiere syndicates some of the more sterling names in radio, including Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity. But a great radio show depends as much on great callers as it does on great hosts: Enter Premiere On Call.

“Premiere On Call is our new custom caller service,” read the service’s website, which disappeared as this story was being reported (for a cached version of the site click here). “We supply voice talent to take/make your on-air calls, improvise your scenes or deliver your scripts. Using our simple online booking tool, specify the kind of voice you need, and we’ll get your the right person fast. Unless you request it, you won’t hear that same voice again for at least two months, ensuring the authenticity of your programming for avid listeners.”

The actors hired by Premiere to provide the aforementioned voice talents sign confidentiality agreements and so would not go on the record. But their accounts leave little room for doubt. All of the actors I questioned reported receiving scripts, calling in to real shows, pretending to be real people. Frequently, one actor said, the calls were live, sometimes recorded in advance, but never presented on-air as anything but real.

I wonder if “ditto” and “Rush you’re a genius” are included in their scripts? I really do wonder, are some of the incendiary callers paid actors or real people?


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. skippertee says:

    The TRUTH can stand alone.
    A LIE, once uttered, needs buttresses.

  2. Aoine says:

    That’s why there are so many….butts….ummm buttresses over on Delaware Politics???


  3. Joanne Christian says:

    Cmon out and watch the musical “HAIRSPRAY” at Middletown High School. Showtime 7:30 tonite—and March 10, 11, 12….it is well done–and a nice treat. Tickets 10 bucks…8 if you’re a senior or child.

  4. anon says:

    WSJ and NBC reporting three or four republicans in Wisconsin may defect over collective bargaining. Koch Brothers have met their match…the workers are winning. Even righty Newsmax calling for money and “go to wisconsin to help Walker”…aint life grand when progressive people power overpowers the corporate class.

  5. Montana says:

    O’rielly, what a joke, didn’t he say “video comes in video comes out never a miscommunication”. Why is it that so many fools follow this liar? It looks like that the top republican candidates for president will be coming from “Fake News/ Fox News”, or should I say “Big Business”, how funny.

    I wonder if “Fake News” has a stable of likely republican supreme court justices (I am sure they will all attend the republican state of the union, unlike Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas, scum bags).