Let Texas Go
…but first build an impenetrable border fence between Texas and Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
AUSTIN — The Texas Nationalist Movement marked Texas Independence Day with a rally on Saturday at the Capitol urging Texans to save the state by seceding from the United States.
A small but enthusiastic group of Texans gathered on the steps of the Capitol, as an assortment of massive Texas flags blew above them in the chilly afternoon breeze.
Outrage was spread evenly toward Democrats and Republicans as leaders of the movement expressed their disgust for the growing national debt and the federal government’s treatment of Texas.
“Texas can take better care of itself than Washington,” said Lauren Savage, vice president of the movement. “We are here to raise interest in the Legislature of the possibility of secession to cure the ills of America.”
Fine with me. And once they become their own country and open their borders to let the rest of the Tea Party crowd in we’ll have solved our education problems. Overnight the nations IQ will soar.
Can you imagine what a cluster-fuck a Texas Tea Party Republic would be within 12 months?
All those federal subsidies to all those oil barons would disappear. Whoot! The California school board would set text book standards. Whoot! Somebody else would have to pay for W’s security detail. Whoot! And the list goes on. Sounds like a good deal for the rest of the nation.
“the possibility of secession to cure the ills of America.”
UMMMMM… does she not know that AFTER they seceed, they are no longer part of America???
the only way they can cure America’s ills IS by leaving…that would be a good first step….
Just this morning I saw a bumper sticker that read, “Leave Texas alone.” Reminded immediately of the Texas nationalist movement, I thought, “I wish we could do precisely that.”
Texas is on welfare. The take far more than they give.
What will happen when they wake up and notice all those federal dollars stopped flowing!
Mongo is happy to help them pack. I’ll loan them my ox if they want to put up a fence or sumthin’.
While the music from Austin is good, and Mongo loves all those guitar-playing Texans like SRV, Buddy Holly, Billy Gibbons, but we could just import the music, right?
Then there’s Lance Armstrong, from Plano. Actually, y’all can have that guy.
You do realize that these folks are considered to be a joke by over 95% of folks down here in Texas. I believe there are more Libertarians in the state than there are members of the Texas Nationalist Movement.
dont you fret joe. they said the same thing about the Sons of Liberty. DONT GIVE UP!
I, for one, love a backhanded dis of Libertarians.
I’m from Oklahoma.
Let me move the last 20 liberals there, to whom I am related, out and then let Oklahoma-stan go with the Nuevo Tejas.
(I visit twice a year, but as of last year, we only drive out there from now on – because I can still cross the border undetected in a car) <— only partially joking
…but first build an impenetrable border fence between Texas and Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.
…but first build an impenetrable border fence between Texas and Mexico.
opps, can’t do that, that would be raaassist.
well with idiots like the T-baggin’ legislator that proposed this law – I say “good riddance”:
House Bill 2012 introduced by a tea party favorite state Rep. Debbie Riddle – The bill would make hiring an “unauthorized alien” a crime punishable by up to two years in prison and a $10,000 fine, unless that is, they are hired to do household chores..
hiring an undocumented maid, caretaker, lawnworker or any type of houseworker would be allowed. Why? As Texas state Rep. Aaron Pena, also a Republican, told CNN, without the exemption, “a large segment of the Texas population” would wind up in prison if the bill became law.
Jon English, Rep. Riddle’s chief of staff explained that the exemption was an attempt to avoid “stifling the economic engine” in Texas
Sooooo, according to the Texas T-Baggerz, its OK to break the law, as long as its a law they want to break…and hiring illegal immigrants is the norm for Texas, and illegal workers are “fueling Texas’ economic engine”
OKAAAYYYYY – let’s cut ’em loose…….
Actually, I know Debbie and her husband, Mike. I asked her about this particular exemption. The reason is simple — businesses can access the US government’s E-Verify system — individuals cannot. So while the local WalMart or homebuilder can check the status of an employee, I could not check to see if the maid, the cook, or the guy who does my yard (and i have none of those — I’m the last lawnmower pushing gringo in Texas) is in this country legally because of how E-Verify works. Debbie therefore wrote an exemption intended to cover those who cannot run a check.
and you expect me to swallow that??? not likely – as you should know all employers are required to secure a completed I-9 form BEFORE hiring anyone, that has been the law since 1986 – they are not responsibile for the validity of the papers presented, but they do need to ask and then copy them – to whit, a SSN card and drivers license, or US passport, naturlization papers, or EAD, and other docs listed on List !, List B and list C of the appendix of the I-9 – readliy accessible form the internet or public library.
failing that, if the person is a contactor, then they would have to have a business license, issued by the state of Texas, which validates that ITIN or company
so go blow smoke up some other cowgirl’s skirt – I know employee and immigration law and your Rep. is either ignorant of both, just plain stupid or mis-informed, none of these attributes are good in a legislator
don;t know how you do it in Texas, but we are a little smarter here in lil’ ole’ Delaware..than to buy that line of bullsh**
she best come u with a better story than that….TEA is weak dude
GAO report Dec 2010 – e-verify is full of flaws…and not quite ready for prime-time either.
and ummm E-verify is not mandatory either, employers are held harmless as long as they have the I-9 filled out or a valid business license properly issued by the state presented..
so, it looks like there needs to be a lot more lawn-mower pushin, dish-washin, baby-sittin gringos in Texas
take a listen to Springsteen’s song, Sinaloa Cowboy “doin’ the work the wejeros wouldn’t do”….sad, but true
“I know Debbie and her husband, Mike.” Do you also know their boy named Sue?
Aoine wrote:
And do you know what happens then? The employer is not supposed to send the I-9 into ICE, but must maintain it in the employee’s personnel file for at least three years, just in case ICE decides to stop in and conduct an inspection.
In other words, it does no good at all.
Actually, MJ, the only one of their kids I know well is their son David, who is a fellow GOP precinct chair down here in Harris County. Mike is a long-time member of the county GOP executive committee, and I’ve made it a point to get to know all of our county’s our GOP state reps and state senators, which is why I know Debbie despite living at the other end of the county. I don’t know their daughter Christine nearly as well — though I did campaign for her when she was elected probate judge.
@Dana – true – but then, neither goes E-verify
E-verify does not verify tht the person who physically hands you the documents to be checked, is indeed the person to whom the documents belong…so its just as useless
so, where to now?? – well I will tell you – under 8 USC “also known as US code Title 8} the federal government ALONE decides who is or is not , legally admitted into the United States AND who is and who is not, permitted to work
its the Doctrine of Pre-eminence – therefore the following decision:
That is why Arizona’s SB1070 is unconstitutional
SCOTUS – Hazelton PA decision
SCOTUS – Farmers Branch, Texas decision
SCOTUS – Dibica v Canas
ad nauseum……
therefore, no local nor state entity can enforce Federal immigration law without a signed MOA with the FEDs under Title 8, Section 287(g) to do so
so, pass the law, face the legal fees, why?? coz some lazy ass Americans won’t cut their own lawns??
wanna bet they are also in the top 1%?
remember, the fake “David Koch” comment to Gov Walker about his maid??
@Joe – well then she has no excuse for her ignorance – does she??
So, back to the matter at hand… what would it take to get this movement rolling? It would be cost effective to cut their crazy out of the herd, and I’m willing to help.
I can’t find it now, but back when Perry started making his secessionist remarks, somebody produced a great video about the positive effects for the rest of the country, summarizing with the line: “Don’t let Oklahoma hit your ass on the way out”
@Don and the rest of you:
just for your daily chuckle – here is the video
Pretty good. I feel the rumblings of a real “Disown Texas” movement.