This Is TeaNN
CNN has been struggling in the ratings recently and is undergoing some kind of identity crisis. Their tagline is “the most trusted name in news” so people scratched their heads some when they hired Red State editor Erick Erickson for their news team. CNN solidified their aspirations to be Fox-lite by hiring the Tea Party Express’s Dana Loesch. I don’t know who’s in charge of CNN’s web content but two recent stories caught everyone’s eye:
“Are whites racially Oppressed?”
One piece of evidence for their thesis: Rush Limbaugh thinks so.
The day before, this column appeared on CNN’s website:
“My Take: The Bible really does condemn homosexuality”
I didn’t see any articles on whether the Bible really does condemn shrimp, working on Saturday or getting tattoos.
Tags: CNN, So-Called Liberal Media
Great point, UI!
Here’s some of CNN’s fears come true:
Rachel is now MSNBC #1 star!
But having CNN as Faux-lite is a very bad thing for everyone.
Look north, to Canada;
Canada requires news to contain facts and no lies or distortion, Murdock had to abandon his plans to start a Canadian version of Faux Nooze.
Of course, none of these moves inoculate CNN from being regarded as liberal by your average teabag.
CNN has been attempting to become Faux News #2 for over a year now. MSNBC is the last left leaning cable news station in my opinion.
It makes perfect sense from a business sense. Among the overweight couch potato class, there’s an awful lot of conservatives. Liberals are far more likely to be up and out, or doing something other than staring at their TV.
MSNBC’s “left leaning” is wildly overstated. So is the New York Times’
I’ve noticed that for a long time now. They’ve hired a bunch of retreads from the Bush administration to join their group of tired old talking heads. What took the cake with me was Paul Wolfolwitz on Fareed Zakaria’s show criticizing Obama’s Middle East policy . I no longer watch CNN.
Heaven forbid that a television network provide an alternate viewpoint on an issue — it might actually legitimize diversity of thought!
Obama restarts Guantanamo trials! Now that’s change we can believe in.