Delaware Liberal

Program Note: Delaware Undiluted is Coming to Git Ya!

Tonight my guest will be international singing sensation, movie and television star Mac Davis who will entertain us with his brand of folksy comedy/country music improv.

Wait…no it isn’t.  It is  international singing sensation, movie and television star EL SONAMBULO who will entertain us with his brand of folksy comedy/country music improv and insight into Delaware’s funky, chunky, skunky politic goings on.     [Aside: Look… It there was a decent Newspaper culture in this state, EL Som would bestride the political pages like a colossus, and you KNOW IT!  Quit lying to yourself!]

We’ll talk about redistricting, people in the public eye that we like, people in the public eye that we hate and people we are luke warm about.   All kinds of stuff.

Delaware Undiluted will post around 5:00, but you can listen to it at your leisure  through the miracle of electronic telephony.   (Did you just mentally pronounce that word, LEE-zure or Leh-zure?   If you are in the Leh-zure camp you are hereby prohibited from listening to the podcast.  Sorry, thems the rules.)

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