Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread

Welcome to your Friday open thread. Friday is the best of the workdays, because the weekend is coming up. The weekend, brought to you by unions. Thanks, guys! If you have some extra money, think about sending some along to help the recall effort in

This is great news!

U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords plans to attend the launch of the space shuttle endeavor on April 19, almost three months after she was shot in the head outside a Tucson, Arizona, supermarket, spokesman C.J. Karamargin said.

Giffords’ husband, Mark Kelly, is the shuttle mission’s commander.

Gabrielle Giffords is amazing and inspiring. I’ll look forward to the media feeding frenzy over her public appearance.

Wisconsin Republicans might have won the battle in Wisconsin, but they haven’t won the war. Now the focus shifts to legal challenges and to possible recall elections. A new poll shows that at least two of the Republican state senators who are eligible for recall are very vulnerable.

Here are the numbers, sent over by a MoveOn official, in the districts of GOP senators Dan Kapanke and Randy Hopper.

When asked if they would vote for Hopper or someone else if a recall election were held right now, 54 percent said they’d vote for someone else, versus only 43 percent they’d vote for Hopper.

In Kapanke’s district, the numbers were even worse: 57 percent said they’d vote for someone else, versus only 41 percent who said they’d vote for Kapanke.

It gets even more interesting. The poll was taken yesterday, before last night’s events, and fifty-six percent of voters in Kapanke’s district, and 54% of voters in Hopper’s district, said if their Senator voted for Walker’s plan, it would make them more likely to vote for someone else. Last night, both Senators did vote for Walker’s rollback of bargaining rights.

Right now volunteers are collecting signatures for recall and they’ve reported they are ahead of schedule. I imagine the vote to end bargaining rights will make the recall efforts accelerate.

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