“Teabag Governor Says “F-You!” to the Governed” of the Day

Filed in National by on March 11, 2011

“Financial Martial Law” declared in Michigan. What could possibly go wrong?

(the bill) allows the governor to dissolve the elected governments of Michigan’s towns and cities, replacing them with unaccountable “emergency financial managers” who can eliminate services, merge or eliminate school boards, and lay off or renegotiate unionized public employees without recourse. Republican senator Jack Brandenburg — who supported the measure — calls it “financial martial law.”

So here is the deal. The financial crisis brought about by Bush’s reckless tax cuts, two vanity wars, cowardly corporatist Democrats and gross bank fraud and malfeasance has given some closet teabagging fascists the right to fuck shit up at will. That’s wingnut democracy for you. Huzzah!

Wingnut Comment Preemption: I know that the Governor was elected in an election. I get it. Elections have consequences. But if you think that the people of Michagan thought that they were voting for this, you have a screw loose.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Beck joining morning line-up on WILM | Doug Rainey's Business | March 12, 2011
  1. socialistic ben says:

    also, it allows then to undo other fair elections…. imagine if the Obama administration even looked like they were thinking about considering throwing out a state’s government…. like Arizona. the Teabaggers would be steepin’ overtime.

    this is the conservative world. take money from the poor, give it to the rich, and undo elections they dont like to make sure no one ever calls them on it

  2. skippertee says:

    I just can’t imagine this law being upheld in a court challenge.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    unless they also manage to replace all the activist liberalist judges with “real americans”

  4. anon says:

    WILM Radio a Clear Channel station says “F…k You”. Starting Monday, Glenn Beck will be on in place of John Watson. Watson will be on from 9:00 till midnight. The Clear Channel suits that came to Delaware a few months ago, fired Harmon Carey, fired Valorie and Ted two progressives who worked at the station. When Bruce Elliot started at WILM he was hell bent on turning WILM into a right wing rant 24/7. He has now accomplished that feat. The community is outraged and will be preparing for mass protests at WILM headquarters next week. Clear channel has been a huge violater of the public airwaves. There are states in this country that only receive clear channel right wing radio which is why the country has gone teabagger. Its time to take our media back in Delaware. Other than WDEL (who only permit two calls per week), where is the opportunity for local news in Delaware? Lets take back the media in Delaware from the right wingers. When we have a date and time of the protest will post it here. Its time to stand up people. This is nothing more than an attempt by right wingers to turn Delaware from blue to red. To dumb down the public to the level of Glenn Beck. To politicans, refuse to advertise on Wilm. Citycouncilman Charles Potter called in this morning and stated “he will no longer advertise on WILM”. I hope other politicans will follow suit.

  5. A couple of points:

    One of the reasons I left WILM more than 5 years ago was that I could see that Clear Channel train coming down the track: As soon as the station moved to a new studio with automation, local people would get the axe, and the station would be carrying more and more national syndication.

    Forget the politics for a second. The blunt reality is many spot avails on WILM are filled with PSA’s. Why? They can’t sell the syndicated talk. It’s difficult to boycott advertisers when they don’t exist. The Wilmington-area audiences who tune into news or talk radio are used to LOCAL origination most of the day.

    That’s why 1290 The Ticket is but an asterisk in the ratings among sports stations, for example.

    If I’m not mistaken… Harmon Carey got the boot BEFORE WILM hired Elliot.

    Just so you have the correct facts, Elliot came from Baltimore’s WBAL, which is one of the few radio stations still owned by Hearst newspapers, not Clear Channel.

    As for John Watson – with whom I worked for years – even though he’s at a competing radio station, he deserves better.

    Of course, it was plainly obvious Clear Channel was hatching this.
    John Watson wasn’t mentioned in WILM’s on-air promos for weeks / months.

    (The fact that Beck doesn’t currently air on a Philadelphia station plainly made him more attractive in the Wilmington market; his rating wouldn’t be diluted. Having said that, I just don’t see him doing well in this market.)

    Allan Loudell
    WDEL Radio

  6. Thank you for sharing your perspective, Allan. I think the “nationalization” of talk radio is a terrible trend, IMO. We’re losing local voices.

  7. Well, Allan, WDEL and its listeners, including me, are very fortunate to have you.

  8. cassandra m says:

    The Wilmington-area audiences who tune into news or talk radio are used to LOCAL origination most of the day.

    It strikes me that the place to make any opposition mark to the Clear Channelization of WILM is by tuning in to WDEL and getting your friends and your local pols to show up *here* to discuss local issues.

    Thanks for your input here, Allen.

  9. flutecake says:

    After 17 years here, I still feel like a blow in. I am a news junkie for my whole life but living down here in Dover, I never developed any affinity for the terrestrial radio stations because there are NONE that have what I like.

    As a girl geek (my credibility will be vouched for by @liberalgeek LOL), I’ve been hooked on nationally syndicated liberals since 2002 by streaming internet. Nowadays, one uses a smartphone to stay plugged in.

    Oddly enough, the best app for that is Clearchannel’s iHeart Radio. I use KPOJ’s stream to get Thom Hartmann / Ed Schultz / sometimes Randi Rhodes.

    Since I don’t need my ears to work, I listen all day.

    My question: Is there a progressive local show from 9-12 M-F? I just haven’t looked. Now, you’ve made me curious.

    Great topic!

  10. Aoine says:

    Sadly – not that I know of….

  11. huh, that’s the first time I’ve seen Doug Rainey’s Business ‘thingie’.

  12. Al Mascitti says:

    flutecake: “My question: Is there a progressive local show from 9-12 M-F?”

    Aoine: “Sadly – not that I know of….”

    I am cut to the quick, particularly because I have had El Somnambulo as a guest on my WDEL show several times in recent weeks, and he has publicized those appearances here.

    I don’t claim to be entirely progressive, but compared with most radio talk show hosts I’m somewhere between Lenin and Trotsky.

  13. Miscreant says:

    flutecake inquires:
    “My question: Is there a progressive local show from 9-12 M-F?…”

    To which Al Mascitti responded:
    “I am cut to the quick, particularly because I have had El Somnambulo as a guest on my WDEL show several times …”

    “…not entirely progressive, but compared with most radio talk show hosts I’m somewhere between Lenin and Trotsky.”

    Indeed! Although, I liked Mr. Mascitti better when he was rating cheeseburgers, and pissing on the Cheerios of many restaurateurs for the News Journal, he’s northern Delaware’s answer to Glenn Beck.
    Out of morbid curiosity, I streamed part of that last show with El Som, and it was very well done by both parties.

  14. June says:

    Al’s show is almost always Progressive. I love that lately he has been constantly preaching Class Warfare and explaining why it exists in this country and how everyone is getting screwed but the rich. Keep up the good work, Al. We need you…

  15. jason330 says:

    I’ve described Al Mascitti here as an anti-Bullshitarian. That gives him the appearance of being on the left because the conservative side of so many arguments today is pure bullshit.