Delaware Liberal

A Little Good News: Scott Walker’s Fate

Firefighters caused a run on the M&I Bank which was a major funder of Scott Walker’s campaign. Awesome!

and there is this…

National Journal: (via kos)

Paul Maslin: ‘VICTORY’???!!! Pyrrhus Had Nothing on Scott Walker.

I was Gray Davis’ pollster from 1993 through his two gubernatorial victories and his ultimate defeat to a recall movement and Arnold Schwarzenegger in 2003.

Make no mistake, the union-busting strategy whose true nature was finally completely unmasked by the junta-like power play at the State Capitol in Madison last night will lead to Walker’s premature ouster from office. He has been trapped by too many lies and the punk nature of the attempted suspension of democratic principles (Lincoln had an actual war to fight when he suspended habeas corpus; Walker is trying to beat up on elementary school teachers) by him and his cronies. Whether or not we succeed in ousting enough Senators from office this year, and Wisconsin politics will be dominated for the next several months by those recall campaigns, the ultimate fate for Walker is sealed: he will be recalled from office as soon as legally possible.

Every move he has made in this farcical and sad Napoleonic play has dug himself deeper into a base that will not be strong enough to save him as the middle grows more and more angry at his actions. The “Koch” call (“Thanks a million”) exposed him as someone willing to talk to billionaires, unwilling to negotiate with duly-elected legislators. It was the first absolute evidence of a disturbing pattern: the same people who consider sending thugs into demonstrations to cause trouble are the same people who demonstrate juvenile behavior by withholding pay from legislators, fining them for their absence, and, ultimately, tricking the people of Wisconsin with a vote on the most heinous of their proposals after no debate with no Democrats present.

I was Tom Barrett’s pollster in the gubernatorial campaign which Walker won—under false pretenses, it turns out. Never in those two years did Walker ever mutter a word about destroying the collective bargaining rights of public employees. If he had, he would have lost then and spared the state and nation the ugliness and pettiness of his real beliefs.

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