Sheriff Jeff Wants to Be Supercop
Today was the day that Sussex County Sheriff Jeff “Supercop” Christopher (Teabag-Sussex) made his initial presentation to the County Council. Prior to this morning’s meeting, Supercop had never spoken to the Council, although he has accused them in emails to the 9/12 “Patriots” of blocking his agenda.
I knew the day would start off well as I met Skippertee and Aoine for breakfast. Skipper, being from Newark, looked every bit the Sussex Countian, wearing his pants with a belt and suspenders and doffing a trucker’s cap. The meeting started with a recitation of the Lord’s Prayer (sorry, I don’t know this one) and then the Pledge of Allegiance.
When it came time to make his presentation, Supercop started by saying that his emails had been misunderstood. And then he launched into his spiel.
Sussex County sheriff’s deputies should have the training to act when they see crimes in progress, the newly elected sheriff argued Tuesday, raising the specter of gangs, illegal immigration, home invasions and robberies.
This sounded very familiar. Seems Supercop’s old boss, former Sussex Sheriff Bob Reed, raised the same spectre of gangs and illegals when he asked Council for permission to put lights on his department’s vehicles. Reed was denied.
Supercop denies he wants to create a countywide police force, yet everything he’s asking for, from upgraded guns, lights and striping on his cars, and law enforcement training, flies in the face of this. In fact, Councilmen Vance Phillips and George Cole called Supercop on this. Both told him to “be honest about what you want and stop dancing around the issue.” Supercop was taken aback by this statement from his fellow Republicans.
Supercop asked for 3 additional positions in his office, with one position specifically charged with crime prevention.
Christopher said he wants to partner with other law enforcement agencies to focus on crime prevention and outreach.
He said home invasions, thefts, crimes against the elderly, scams and fraud are all on the rise. “With more retirees moving here, this is going to be an epidemic if we don’t step in and take some sort of action,” he said.
The problem here is that none of the county’s police agencies want to partner with him. Supercop could not produce any supporting statement from any of Sussex County’s police chiefs or the Delaware State Patrol to support his position.
Even though he sent out a mass email to his cohort, only about 49 people were at the meeting, and many of them were county employees there to make presentations to the Council. Of the ten people who signed up to speak to Council, nine were teabaggers who supported Christopher (Supercop himself had to sign up to speak again in support of his position.
Leading the charge was St. Bodie Girl. Sans his white high heels (he had on a pair of sensible brown flats), Bodie shared a story about how at last night’s Sussex County GOP meeting, he and Chris Weeks had been appointed as Sergeant’s at Arms “in case something happened during the meeting.” And according to him, “someone approached the podium after the meeting. He looked drunk or brain dead. I was so glad that Sheriff Christopher was there in uniform and with his gun. We need a sheriff who looks like a sheriff.” Hmm, I wonder how St. Bodie Girl could determine either of these. And of course, he didn’t say what this person was doing that alarmed him and Weeks. And what does a sheriff actually look like? When I hear “sheriff” I think of Andy Taylor and Barney Fife. Bodie went on to tweak the Council for giving grants out to community groups and towns, saying it was “nice that you’re giving our money to private entities – why don’t you give it to the sheriff?” And being the constitutional scholar that he is (NOT!), he and another speaker cited Title 15 of the Delaware Constitution that states that sheriffs and chancellors are the supreme law enforcement people in each county. “Giving the sheriff what he wants would solve the problems in our state, nation and world. It will stop us from falling into the abyss.”
OMG. Not letting Supercop and his deputies patrol the county is going to cause the entire world to go to Hell in a handbasket. Sweet Jebus.
Supercop also claimed that by not making his deputies full law enforcement officers and sending them to the police academy, the County was opening itself up to liability lawsuits. As the final speaker pointed out, the Delaware Code and decisions by the Attorney General from 2000 specifically proscribe sheriff’s deputies from being law enforcement officers in the State.
Between the cries of “we the people” voted for this and “we know what the Constitution says,” reasonable voices could be heard. Councilman Cole asked one speaker if he knew how much it would cost to deploy a countywide law enforcement agency. Nope. Did the speaker know that the County funds 40 additional State Troopers to patrol the county? Nope.
A few people, including Supercop, complained about DSP response times, claiming that having deputies as law enforcement would speed up response times to crime scenes. “My deputies go into neighborhoods where DSP won’t go.” Again, he could offer no evidence. Cole shot down Supercop’s argument, stating that deputies would not be sitting around in any neighborhood waiting for something to happen. And of course, we heard from the Chicken Little brigade who claim that illegal aliens, gangs, and druggies are overrunning the county.
After the meeting, one of the “patriots” approached the final speaker (the only sane person who spoke) and challenged their take on Delaware Code. He told this person that “other states have sheriffs that are law enforcement.” Well, dear boy, this is Delaware, not Virginia, not Maryland. If you want that type of protection, move back to Fairfax County (which is where he was from). And lest we forget, here is how some Maryland sheriff’s deputies operate.
In the end, it was much ado about nothing. No great cry from “we the people,” supporting Supercop (he could only muster 9 supporters from the thousands of teabaggers in Sussex who got his email). And until he makes a budget presentation, Council won’t act on anything. My read on the council is that Supercop’s request will be denied.
Tags: Republican Crazy, sheriff, Teabaggers
Awesome reporting and Holy Shit!! Who knew that Sussex was such a festering shit hole of gang violence and acid tripping hippy induced mayhem?!?!? It sounds like the Bronx circa 1979.
Speaking of which… does Sussex really want “a sheriff who looks like a sheriff?” Wouldn’t a Sheriff who looks like the cop in the Village People make more sense?
I motion that Sheriff Christopher go save Baby Joseph from those blithering catholics that want to poke a hole in his throat. And he’s a Canadian! That’s only 180 degrees from Mexican!
That’s only 180 degrees from Mexican!… as the crow flies.
For the record, I wore a thong under my get up. I love my thongs although I can’t dance in them as there is no ball room.
If you don’t mind, I’d like to weigh in here.
We in Massachusetts had a real problem with sheriffs in our early history.
They were mostly indentured servants who were determined to follow the letter of the law and not the spirit, which would have had absolved we, the landed class, of the letter of the law.HRUMPF!HURMPF!
It has taken us two hundred and fifty years to finally circumvent the laws we instituted.
I don’t know what that prayer was either MJ – some Protestant thing I think. We had something in Latin, without the flourish at the end.
I always had this idea that somehow there was a seperation of chruch and state in this country..nothing wrong with a moment of silence…but an actual prayer? But hey. its how they do it here.
of course, listening to senior citizens in council chambers discussing their concealed carry permit class (that I am sure fear-mongering Alex Garcia is profiting from), I have to wonder if they can see where to put the bullets in the magazine thru those Medicare, tax-payer funded tri-focals, or do they have the actual grip strength to pull back the slide, without shooting themselves or a family member.
Really, I look around Sussex county and see a bucolic vista of soybeans and corn and chicken trucks lumbering down the road. But to hear the sheriff today and the self-styled “patriots”, one would think that this is a festering cess-pool of illegal immigrants, gangs, drugs, home-invasions. All these out of staters, that have come here because of the high quality of life and low taxes want to make it into where they have come from.
hey, if you don’t like it here – leave. We got along without your brand of T-baggery before now, and will survive long after you are gone. It ain’t broke – don’t go fixin’ it..
My advise to you is the same as yours for immigrants – LEARN ENGLISH AND ASSIMILATE
Patriots, my ass!
So the 9-12 teabagz all sound like they are from PA, MD, VA, or (gasp)…Jersey.
BTW – I’m not surprised that Sussex County makes some kind for appeal for forgiveness to start their meetings. I’ve heard that they use incantations or some kind of gibberish over the sick as some kind of magic to heal them.
I think what they practice here more closely resembles santaria. .they wave a chicken around. Who knows….maybe they sacrifice virgins …if they can find any….
I forgot to mention that Supercop took a page out of St. Sarah’s thesaurus and made up a new word – “reiterize.” Probably meant reiterate, but who knows.
Sussex County sheriff’s deputies should have the training to act when they see crimes in progress
Has anybody identified what this training is, laid out the costs to the budget, and proposed the necessary tax increases or spending cuts?
“Do you know how much this training will cost? …Nope.
“Do you know how much we pay to the DSP? …Nope.
“Do you know your ass from your elbow? …Nope.
I heard that when he was questioned by the council it went something like that…
Yea MJ, “reiterize”.
The BOZO also mentioned how his MEN went where Troopers wouldn’t DARE to go!
I can see him finding a secluded place where he could lounge uninterrupted and “mastubertate” to the latest download from his encrypted file of Lolli-tots.
The guy just LOOKS like a PERV to me.
He has yet to present his budget to the Council. My guess is that he is going to want to keep much of the money his office generates from Sheriff’s sales, expanding his powers and size of his office on the backs of those unfortunate people who are losing their homes to foreclosure.
One thing he did misrepresent yesterday was the size and scope of the backlog on sheriff sales. The former sheriff got rid of the professional auctioneers, thus saving the county money. This pissed off state Rep. Dave Wilson, who made a living off of sheriff’s sales. Meanwhile, Supercop has been lax in serving subpoenas and other court papers and is pissing off the lawyers in Georgetown.
I think it would be interesting to see how often his deputies are calling 911 to report “crimes that they witness” every day,
Lets pull the SUSCOM records and see how often they do call for “back-up” as the Sheriff stated – and see just what those numbers are.
in his rambling and often non-cohesive speeches, he seemed to mix up what was actually happening on a daily basis from what he imagines is happening. He confused his deputies with actual law enforcement trained and certifed deputies areound the nation – it made it seem as if they were a crime fighting force instead of what they are – court process servers.
99% of the homes they post are already vacent, most of the evictions are already vacent, the PFA’s the offending party has left the joint home, etc. and people receiving civil supeonas already know they are coming.
Can his deputies meet the standards required to go to the police academy if they were even allowed to go? Which they are not – I dont think so.
and his supporters are woefully mis-informed, and armed only with talking points.
And then there is the press release from DSP published in TNJ responding to the Sheriff’s assertion that he has their support: : “don’t mistake our professional courtesy as being support for a political agenda”, in other words…..”stop using us and saying we support you – we don’t.”
of course it is also note-worthy that he didn’t appeal to ALL Sussex Countians to support him in this at Council – just the hand-picked Delaware 9/12ers – because he KNOWS this is what got Sheriff Read in trouble and this will be his political demise as well.
Sussex has already been down this road, and no one wants it revisited.
Great report, MJ.
“Do you know how much this training will cost? …Nope.”
Unless there have been some recent changes, training at the DSP Academy has always been at no cost to outside agencies, but it does cost the agencies for uniforms, equipment, and salary while they are in the academy for 5-6 months.
“Can his deputies meet the standards required to go to the police academy if they were even allowed to go? Which they are not – I don’t think so.”
I rather doubt many of Christopher’s current staff would survive the screening process, let alone the academy. Physical, medical, psychological evaluations, as well as an extensive and well documented background investigation, are required before they set foot in the academy.
Even though they have lightened up considerably in recent years (they eliminated the shaved heads, most of the sleep deprivation, and some of the verbal abuse), DSP academy is still one the most rigorous and intense law enforcement training programs in the nation, very para-military. In the past, a loss of +30% of each class in the first four weeks was the norm.
“Lets pull the SUSCOM records and see how often they do call for “back-up” …”
First, you need to find out if they are actually dispatched by SUSCOM. I know they dispatche the municipal agencies (at no cost) but, since they only work during the day, I suspect the sheriff’s office may be self dispatched. I also know KENTCOM dispatches some (non-state police) state agencies on a statewide basis at a substantial cost. So, if SUSCOM dispatches the sheriff’s office, I would think they would be getting paid for it. I could be wrong, and frequently am…
The point being, if they are not being dispatched by SUSCOM, and become a real law enforcement agency, dispatching would consume a substantial part of their budget.
@Miscreant – no, you misunderstood my comment – I suggested we pull SUSCOM’s records (the 911 calls and radio calls) and see how many times a sheriff’s deputy has called for back up (assistance) or because they “witnessed a crime”, as the Sheriff maintains that this is a daily event, and bases their need for training and certification on this “fact?”
Deputys are not disptched to anything currently because they are not law enforcement – they have a radio but use their cell phones mostly.
well well – who does the Sussex Sheriff answer too?
seen on DP:
Where was I, oh yeah just got off the phone from a call from the sheriff asking for more advice re his budget requests and input about a bill that might be surfacing that could restrict his authority.
Eric Bodenweiser
Bodenweiser appears to be channeling his inner Charlie Sheen in that rant.
I think Bodie is un-hinged – without the fun Charlie is having
but at least he did not have his white high heels on yesterday – plain flat loafers
We all know that Supercop is St. Bodie Girl’s sock puppet, much the same way that Chris Weeks was when he ran against Pete Schwartzkopf.
Maybe we should start calling Bodie the ayatollah.
I did a little research and found this: what a laugh – he’s a liar – and now we see it!
“I am a Fiscal and Social Conservative Christian.
I am Pro-Life and I support Property Rights and Gun Rights.
I will work for you to get Taxes, Fees, and Regulations lowered
and to Cut Out wasteful government spending.”
– Eric “Bodie” Bodenweiser
Eric “Bodie” Bodenweiser On The Issues…
•I will never vote to raise taxes, fees or increase government spending.
•I will work to lower government regulations on business and farms.
•I will work to get jobs to return to Delaware.
•I will work to shrink government and cut its wastefulness.
•I will work to keep government in the hands of local people.
•I will always protect property and gun rights.
•I will always make you proud you elected me.
•I will work full time as your Senator
•I will not accept campaign contributions from special interest groups
“I will work for you to get Taxes, Fees, and Regulations lowered” – not if the Sheriff wants all that stuff and you supported him in council chambers Monday
“I will never vote to raise taxes, fees or increase government spending” – hmmm what was it the sheriff wanted and you are helping him do his budget – you must be more oa fairy with a wand than we knew.
“•I will work to shrink government and cut its wastefulness” – looked to me like you were expanding government..
“I will always make you proud you elected me” – Im rather rpoud we didn’t
“•I will not accept campaign contributions from special interest groups” – funny that – aren’t the DE 9/12 patriots a registered looby group? and you are a member? therfore by definition, they are a special interest group.
Bodie – a confirmed liar, and coward. EXPOSED!
your own words have sealed your political fate