Tuesday Open Thread

Filed in National by on March 15, 2011

Welcome to your Tuesday open thread. Today is the 15th of March, or as its known more ominously, the Ides of March. I didn’t realize the Ides of March actually referred to a nuclear accident. I had trouble sleeping last night thinking about the Fukushima plant in Japan. There are 50 brave heroes left at the plant fighting to prevent a worse accident. There is a lot of false information out there about the accident and the radiation spread. I’m not trusting mainstream news sources, instead I’m looking at updates from the IAEA, All Things Nuclear, Scientific American and other science-based sources. They are generally slower with news than news sites but have accurate and verified information.

One channel you definitely shouldn’t watch for information on nuclear matters is Fox.

This map of nuclear power plants in Japan showed up on Fox News.

One name seems out of place on the graphic — that of “Shibuyaeggman.”

It doesn’t show up on the International Atomic Energy Agency’s list of Japanese nuclear power stations, and this map of Japanese nuclear installations from the Department of Energy’s International Nuclear Safety Center doesn’t have any listing for “Shibuyaeggman,” and doesn’t show a nuclear power plant anywhere near the location on the Fox News map. So I did a little research.

A quick Googling of “shibuyaeggman” turned up no meaningful results. A Nexis search was also fruitless. However, further inquiries revealed that Eggman is the name of a dance club in a trendy neighborhood of Tokyo called… Shibuya.

Perhaps the drinks are nuclear strength or maybe they serve hot wings. I wonder where Fox got this map because someone pulled a joke on them.

There are some signs of life from the non-crazy wing of the Republican party. A GOP freshman from NY criticized the debt/budget game of chicken being played by the GOP.

“The extreme wing of the Republican Party is making a big mistake with their flat-out opposition to a short-term continuing resolution,” Grimm said in a statement. “I know that there is some opposition to working with Senate Democrats from the extreme right of the tea party who would rather see a government shutdown than pass a short-term solution; however, as long as we continue to cut spending each time, we are keeping our promise to the American people to reduce the deficit and fix the economy.”

If more Republicans speak up like this, it should give Boehner some cover to deal with Democrats. Right now Boehner is chasing Teapublicans off the cliff.


About the Author ()

Opinionated chemist, troublemaker, blogger on national and Delaware politics.

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  1. donviti says:

    Question, what current US President tortures innocent citizens without trial

    Answer? OBAMA

    Who says whatever the hell they wanted to get elected?

    We should start a group called Promise Breakers and Obama can be the President of that too

  2. anon says:

    Great meeting this morning at the King Center. Politicans, ministers, community leaders and others attended the Press Conference at the King Center to take back our media. As you know Clear Channel the “bad boys of radio” have fired talk shows hosts like Harmon Carey, reporters and other staff and put John Watson (20years on Wilm radio), on a the 9pm -12:00 pm slot. We are sick and tired of these corporate right wing “suits” espousing their right wing views with no one to dispute their outright lies and disinformation. The News Journal will report tomorrow on todays meeting. This Sat. at 10:30 am, at the King Center a much larger meeting will take place to discuss what we can do to “take our media back” and tell the right wing thugs at WILM, maybe they should take a hike.

  3. Dana Garrett says:

    The bottom line is that when a windmill collapses thousands of people don’t need to be evacuated and there doesn’t need to be a run on iodine pills. And it’s not at all obvious that we need nuclear power plants to power up a modern day grid. If we went for a renewables in a big way, we could avoid potential nuclear disasters:


  4. heragain says:

    Week 2 waiting for Sears to come repair my washing machine.

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    Sears is a nightmare. They once ripped me off. If capitalism really did eliminate bad businesses, Sears would have been eliminated long ago.

  6. Auntie Dem says:

    Ten years ago I remodeled my kitchen and put in all Kenmore appliances. They have all failed, multiple times, and I got caught up in Sears’ appliance repair racket. The dishwasher just fell apart — literally, the top shelf disintegrated — and rather than repair it I opted to replace with a Maytag (built by Whirlpool). So far so good. And, if I need repairs I’ll call a local repairman. The feeling of freedom is wonderful.

  7. anon says:


    Delaware senators challenge ‘swipe fee’ limits

    WASHINGTON — A bipartisan group of lawmakers, including Democratic Sens. Tom Carper and Chris Coons, introduced legislation Tuesday to suspend proposed limits on how much banks can charge retailers every time a customer swipes a debit card to make a purchase.

  8. Jason330 says:

    yeah. That sucks. Carper is a known crumb bum. Coons I had hope for.

  9. anon says:

    Carper has spent years fighting against the people of Delaware and for these credit card companies, banks etal. He is leading Coons and Carney down the proverbial support the “banksters and credit card companies”. You expected more from Carney and Coons? Really!